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The day is finally here, what the couple has been training for all this time. So today they are at the airport getting ready to fly to Boston for the marathon, both families are there to send them off and to give the rules. 

Cassie's father Stanley takes Alek aside to have a nice private talk with him. "I've been getting to know not just you but your family for the past few months and everything that I've learned so far has been nice. With that being said your about to go on a solo trip with my teenage daughter, now I trust you up to a point. Basically, my daughter is to come home in the same condition she left in, you get me young man?"

"Yes Sir."

"Stanley may you please stop trying to scare poor Alek by putting the fear of God in him, they're going to miss their flight." Pamela tell her husband, rubbing Cassie's arm to calm her from thinking her father is freaking her boyfriend out.

As the parents say their last goodbye, telling them to have a safe flight, Hunter tells Stanley he understand how he is feeling, that if he had a girl he would do the same. But also tells him that he knows for a fact they will be okay, his son has never cared so much for a girl as he does for Cassie.


Taking their seats on the plane, Alek makes sure Cassie gets the window. "You remembered."

"Of course and again I have no problem in giving you the window seat."

"Right and you never answered my question always changing the subject. You know what I'm talking about, if you have a fear in flying?" 

"Fine, I don't see it as a fear of flying. I just don't like looking out or down when I'm on a plane....there.... this it, that's your answer."

"You okay?" Cassie ask hearing how he responded, "There's nothing wrong with having a fear of anything, it doesn't make you less of the man you are or becoming. You know that right?" Saying that while wrapping her arm around his, with her chin on his shoulder.

Alek looks down at her sorry for the way he answered. "I'm fine, sorry I didn't mean for it to come out like that." He kisses her on the forehead, before kissing her lips.

"I can't wait until we get there, Brittany is going to love you. I really miss just being around her you know?"

"Yes, babe I understand completely where your coming from. So how about we just lay back and sleep our way through this flight."

"Well you did just get off work right before we had to leave to catch this flight, you must be sleepy."

The two snuggle up together for a little nap.


Once they finally landed they met up with her sister and baby Timmy, her husband Jordan was at work and met up with them later at dinner. Over dinner that night they really enjoyed themselves, talking, learning all what's new that is happening.

"So your a probation officer? I'm pretty sure you've met some interesting characters in that line of work." Alek comments.

"Ya. Some are actually cool, just had a bad upbringing, made some bad choices in life. Then you got the creeps that are more than just disgusting perverts, who doesn't deserve to see the light day."