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Cassie walks out the gym locker room but Alek is nowhere to be found. "Where the fuck is he?" She say to herself out loud, only to almost get hit by a door being push open and she see it's Alek coming out of Mrs. Murdough-Smith classroom. 

Alek see he almost knockout Cassie swinging the door open as hard as he did, he is just so angry. "Shit! Baby I'm sorry. Did I hit you?"

"No. Almost. What happen? You were with me on moment and after gym I went to change and came out and you were gone. Now I find you coming out of here, why?"

"No reason. Just leave it." Alek is now nervous as fuck, he is pretty sure she didn't see anything but if she would have pop up just five minute earlier his life would be over because he would be busted.

"Leave what? What did you do? Did you hurt that lady feelings because I told you it feel like she is picking on me?"

Fuck ya, Alek think to himself she just gave him an out. "The point is she shouldn't be fucking with you anymore, I didn't lay a hand on her, just a small little threat." He say taking her backpack throwing it over his shoulder, walking to his car. Alek hate lying to Cassie, he and Cory were not able to hack her phone, he was told he need to clone it. He knew harming a person is something not in him, but when it come to Cassie and Sharron fucking with them he didn't have that control in him.

Driving home Cassie ask, "Don't you work tonight?"

"Ya. Why? Trying to make plans or something behind my back?"

"No silly. Patrice and I made plans to go to movies."

"Oh that's cool. Is Traci coming with you'll?"

"They broke up, that's why I've been spending so much time with her, keep her mind off of  her relationship being over. I would say girl power but then again it is a girl that is the reason of her broken heart."

"That is true but even when they were still together she cancel things with her just to hangout with you. Think I may have something to worry about? A little competition." Alek say jokingly but at the same time he really thinks Patrice may have a crush on his girl. "I know that you were only working for the summer, but I still have my job and don't get to see you like I was."

"Babe college is expensive and for you to be doing what your doing is sweet and it take some weight off your parents shoulders. Also we will be living together, you getting sick of me is pretty near."

"Sick of you....never that babe." He say grabbing her hand giving it a quick kiss.

"When it comes to you and college that is another thing that need to be talked about."

Alek does a quick look with the confused face. "What is there to discuss?" He say pulling up to Cassie house.

"I love the idea of us living together during my senior year."

She stopped right there by Alek, not liking what she just said. "What do you mean 'the idea' it is a decision already made."

"Just listen, hear me out. I love you and want you to go to the school you like, staying here wasn't your plan. Regret is not something I want you to feel. What if one day you look and say I didn't even want to be here. We can do the long distance thing, I think we are strong enough."

"Ya. Then when you graduate, what happens then?"

"I would then come to where you are and go to school as well."

KINCAID'S CHRONICLES- BOOK ONE CRUEL SUMMERDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora