How it started

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Izuku's POV if not said otherwise


I was tired screaming that rats name over and over again. He may have picked me up from the streets but he also forgot how to be a good father. Don't qustion me why he picked me up, I don't know but ever since I was 4, I was in a research facility because of my quirk and with 10 I escaped. After that I lived a year and something on the streets before Nezu found me. To be precise... I beat him in chess and we started talkin in the park. Everyone who met me could tell that I was a streetkid but I still got some money from playing chess back then and I beat this rat fair and square. Somehow he decided to pick me up and brought me tu UA with him. 

Best thing in my life, right?

Well no. 

This felt more like a prison to me than anything else. It is not any different then the research facility at all. 

Me: Nezu? Where are you?

Now walking through the house he had close to the wooden part of UA, I decided not to think about anything and ask Nezu what I wanted. It was something stupid but I wanted to know if someone was actually keeping him on his toes. Of course I knew there was nothing but oh well.... I would sure be one of the people doing it if that wouldn't be the case.

Me: Nezu!

Ah come on!

Where is that rat?

He brought me here for a reason and then just leaves me here spending time with me whenever we eat and done?

Why am I even here?


Ama do something to pick his interest!

Might be bad but meh!

I wonder if I could get the help of some teachers...


I can do it on my own!

I am not dumb if the rat picked me up.

Me: Nezu?

I ended up walking into the living room and decided to go to the chess board and sit there preparing it for Nezu to come. 

Do you really think, I can't feel you watching me?

Is this fun?

Ama show you something more if you join me.

I am bored!

I am basically locked up in a nice bird cage!

You can't just have me here privatly schooled for life!

I want to go out to the city as well....

Me: Wanna join me?

Nezu: My of course.

The voice came from behind me but I didn't care at all and let him come over not looking at him once but doing the very first move in our game. This was how it worked around this. I always had to do something to pick his interest to talk to him or spend more time with him. I didn't know if he realized it yet but he only picked me up because I was picking his interest but he was doing more damage then he was saving me and guess what? I was about to give him a small run for his money.

Me: Can I ask you something?

Nezu: Of course.

Me: Are you very busy recently?

Nezu: No. The city and UA are as quiet as they could be.

Me: I see.

Not for long!

Me: I thought there might be an idiot who would attack UA.

Nezu: No one dares to do that with me around.

Me: I don't see why tho. I mean if a villain hates heroes then why not destroy the source of it?

Nezu: Oh my dear pup, villains are not the brightest of the people.

Me: Oh...

Nezu: Now ask what you really want.

This is what I really wanted to know.

Besids you think I will stay here forever?!


I've been planning for a while now!

I will be a vigilante and I will be sticking to ya, messing with UA and their students until you recognize me!

I am much more than just someone who is interesting and ama proof it.

Me: I just wanted to know if I could get out visiting UA.

Nezu: No. It is too dangerous for you.

Me: But why? My quirk can help me.

Nezu: Your quirk is not stable.

Me: But I can controll it!

Nezu: Izuku, messing with time is not the best thing you can do.

Me: It's not my fault that I can stop time for a certain amount of time!

Nezu: I understand that but I am worried abotu you.

Me: Worried?! You basically locked me up in here for years now! I am 16! Nezu, I wanna go out and meet people and don't get home schooled for all my life!

Nezu: Izuku, I would let you go out but your body is just very weak. I want you to be healthier before you meet others. 

I know that my body is week from my quirk usage! 

I've been using it for years every day without a break what did you expect?!

But I am not a baby!

I can adapt!

I lived over a year on the streets with the drawbacks and used it soo many times as well there!

Nezu: I know what you are thinking but you need more rest. You've been using it for years and now you just need time where your body recovers from it.

Me: I am already used to it.

Nezu: Your sudden fever outbreaks and sicknesses are saying otherwise.

Me: Everyone can get sick.

Nezu: In a house without going outside which is getting cleanred thoroughly manner?

Me: *sigh* Just give me a chance!

Nezu: No. You are staying here until I deem you safe.

Me: But Nezu, You know that I wanted to be a hero.

Nezu: Izuku, it's too dangerous to be one with your constitutions and that's final!

He did play with me for a bit but when we touched this theme, he just stood up and left me int he room alone. 

I can't believe he did that...



With that in my mind, I went back to my room, locked it and went to get the chair to get to the wardrobe and way up to grab a box which you couldn't see normally. In there, I've been preparing some things in order to show how much I could do.

Me: Just you wait.

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