"Woah, I'm no ones, Lou. I'm sorry about that breakup, though... It's tough, I know..." I sighed, pulling him into a bear hug. He hugged back.

"Thanks, Pee Pants. It helps." His breath slid down my neck and the warmth of it caused goosebumps. I gripped his side harder and hugged him tightly, assuring him I was here for him. "Glad to have you as a friend." He smiled.

"You too," I returned his smile. He nodded and we stood for a few awkward seconds before he turned and left. By now it was about 4:30 and I'm pretty sure 3/5 of the boys are up.

That just leaves Niall and Harry to wake up.

I turned to the mirror and fixed myself up. I opened a tiny drawer and pulled out my purple zebra patterned brush and brushed the snarls out of my hair until it left just my waves. Which I did not enjoy. I bent down and looked in the cabinet under the tiny sink for it.

"Woah, that's my favorite sight to see in the morning." I heard Harry's morning voice from behind me.

"Don't you guys have your own bathrooms?" I sighed as I plugged the newly found straightener into the plug in on the wall.

"Yeah, no. I don't want to go across the hall for the bathroom. You mind?" He pointed at the loo. I groaned but shook my head, turning away and pressed the flat iron to my hair, turning the little section of hair instantly straight.

I heard the toilet flush and I turned to face Harry, a squeal escaping my lips. "Harry!" I screeched. "Where's your clothes, for petes sake?" I turned back around and continued my hair.

"You're missing a part back here," he took the straightener from my hands and started to straighten my hair, his boxers on.

"Way to be feminine." I made eye contact with him through the mirror, smiling at him.

"Wait!" Harry stopped.

"What?" He answered.

"Alright, just keep going." I pulled out my camera out of my bra and snapped a picture, saving it. I heard Harry's phone buzz but he ignored it. "Are you going to answer that?" I smiled.

"No, I'm busy with you!" He whined.

Five minutes later he had finished my hair and had pushed my hair to one side of my neck.

"Did I do it right?" He crooked his neck and stared at my hair through the mirror. I nodded.

"Way to be feminine." I repeat, and giggle and he laughed too, smiling that smile that made his dimples have a large depth.

I stood and put everything away and went back to my luggage case to grab clothes. I looked around to see if anyone was around and looking at me and fortunately there were none. I emerged myself from my clothes from last night and changed quickly into my everyday clothes.

As I set my dirty clothes in the hamper, I went to go join the others in the kitchen. They were on the subject of Zayns snores until I had walked in.

"Morning boys." I yawned. They all returned the greeting and went back to saying who was the loudest in bed. I didn't want to add myself to that conversation. "Wait guys, don't we have an uh... An interview!" I gasped, realization hitting me that we actually had something to do.

Liam face palmed himself as the others groaned simultaneously. Liam took out his phone from his never ending pocket and dialed a number, which I assumed was Paul's.

"Hello? When is it? We are? She does? You sure? Alright. Love you, Paullll. Say it back. Was that so bloody hard? Okay, okay, we're coming. Bye." He hung up and shifted so that we could all be face to face with him. "We have an interview in 20 minutes, and you have to come, Pee Pants."

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