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It was time to move on.

The baby bird is ready to leave the nest - though in this scenario it's more like the baby bird is ready to face the impending doom of animal cruelty that comes with growing up.

As we're all apart of a system, a system that abides by rules, and if you break those rules you will be faced with great consequences; trauma, pain, possible death...

Yeah, you didn't want to die. Not yet at least.

You still haven't gotten to achieve your dreams, and make the people around you proud. There was still so much things to look forward to, and if you could do that without the stinging pain in your arm everyday, you would gladly do so.

"Sho," Your voice reached the ginger's ears, a calm yet stern tone applied to it. The man adjusted his glasses, having picked up a book on english vocabulary and grammar; since he wants to polish his botched accent.

"Yeah?" He always had this annoying look on his face everytime someone called his name, turning to you with that look on his face.

You spoke up slowly, "Is it true.. you're taken..?" The uncomfortable look on your face shone clearly under the rosy colored sky. Shoyo halted in his tracks, turning over to you with a cheeky look that was masked with one of disbelief.

"Why're you asking? Are you infatuated with me or something?" He wiggled his eyebrows with an annoying smug smile spread across his dumb face. You rolled your eyes at him, scoffing.

"Hell no. I feel bad for whoever you're with." It's the feeling you get when you're with your close friends- you can't say nice things to their face but will go to war in their name. Shoyo is a sweet guy, kind of airheaded, but sweet. You wouldn't be caught dead saying that though.

"You know what they say, jealousy always shines through." He kept wiggling his eyebrows which made it harder for you to resist drop kicking him in the balls.


Damn, Tobio rubbed off on you.

"I wanted to ask you for advice.." Your voice drawled out, a bit hesitantly as your hand rubbed your neck, looking off in the distance since you can practically feel the smug grin on his face.

"Advice? Me? Did you hit your head or something?" He chuckled, a teasing smile plastered across his face as you two continued to walk alongside each other.

"Whatever. I should just ask F/n instead." You sighed, which seemed to jab his ego.

"What? No, Ask me! Go ahead, I can answer anything!" With his chest puffed out, he huffed in confidence which made you look at him with slight amusement.

"Nah.. you don't seem capable."

"But i am!"

"Hmm.. x to doubt." You made the letter 'x' with your fingers as you kept on trying to rile him up, succeeding in the end. Shoyo puffed his cheeks out and stomped his foot like a child. It's really easy to get a reaction out of him.

"Just ask me the question!"

"It's more of a favor." You smirked which made him tilt his head in a curious manner. Simultaneously, your smirk broadened into a small smile; an mixture of feelings bubbling up in your stomach. You felt embarrassed to ask him this, yet nervous and giddy at the same time.

"Whatever it is, I bet I can do it." He huffed in a prideful manner, a smug smile drawn onto his lips as he kept staring ahead with the both of his hands behind his head as his feet kept on moving forward. You hummed in acknowledgement, sparing him a glance whilst keeping up your pace with his words in mind.

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