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"Kio, isn't the sky beautiful?" You asked, a dreamy sigh escaped your lips. Your fiancé stood behind you, hugging you by your waist.

"Not as beautiful as you." He cheesed and you responded with a fake gag. The man laughed and you giggled along with him, a comfortable silence overtook once the laughter died down.

"I can't believe we'll be getting married in three months.." he muttered, his tone making you quirk your eyebrows with a teasing smile plastered on your lips.

"What, you don't want to marry me or something?" You joked as he flinched in response, quickly denying the words you said.

"N-n-no! T-that's not what i meant at all!" He hid his face with the palm of his hands,  making you reach out to him and remove removing his hands, planting a kiss on his nose.

"Come on, it's late and cold outside." You dragged him into the livingroom, he didn't retaliate and let you drag him inside.

"What do you want to watch for movie night?" Akio asked you as he placed a few pillows on the L shaped couch while you were grabbing the snacks and placing them onto the table in front of the couch.

" [Scary movie] " You said as you plopped onto the couch, opening a bag of chips. Akio nodded as he grabbed the remote and searched for the said movie.

"I heard it's good." Akio informed and you nodded, your mouth full of your favourite flavor of chips.

"Yweh mysh friscnd sheyd iw wash sgwud." You babbled, your partner flicking your forehead in response. You could see him rolling his eyes with a disapproving look on his face.

"Don't talk with your mouth full, idiot" you stuck out your tounge at him yet you made sure to not do that again. He played the movie and you scooted closer to him.

He paused the movie when he saw the pleading look in your eyes. He narrowed his eyes at you, wondering what were you up to.

"What..." he deadpanned at you which made you pout a little.

"A kiss before the movie starts?" You mumbled making him sigh and roll his eyes playfully before leaning in and kissed you on the lips.

He pulled away and you smiled in content, getting back to your previous position. While he licked his lips, a pondering expression on his face.

"You tasted like those chips." He commented and you licked your lips in response, eyes lightening up.

"Oh yeah i do." You felt embarrassed, for no reason, he chuckled lightly at your embarrased expression.

"Okay- let's watch the movie now." He decided and you nodded, the blush still present on your cheeks.


"Waah that movie sure made my timbers shiver." you joked which made Akio chuckle a little, silently agreeing with you.

You both cleaned up the mess you two made, feeling drained aftwerwards you sleepily walked to you and your fiance's shared bedroom.

Plopping onto the bed with a thud, your eyes wondered to Akio's side of the bed. Seeing it unoccupied you began to wonder what's taking him so long.

Your thought train stopped when you heard a locking noise coming from the entrance of the bedroom, there stood your soon to be husband, his messy black hair kind of blocking the view of his face but you could tell he was tired.

"Kio~... come hereee.." you whined as you made grabby motions like a child. He smiled softly and approached the bed, slipping under the covers with you beside him.

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