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Your gaze lingered on the mark imprinted on your arm, reading it for the hundredth time today. 'you look like you're plotting murder.' your nose scrunched up, the frown on your face replaced with a thin line. You were currently sitting under a tree in school, not giving a fuck on what the PE teacher was saying.

"Who the fuck says that when they first encounter someone." unconsciously, your fist tightened as you thought bitterly, rolling your eyes slightly when you heard the teacher call your name. Getting up and dusting your track shorts/pants, you made your way towards them, begrudgingly. Your train of thought still lingered on the mark, your hands glided over it when it whenever it crossed your mind.

Your e/c eyes made its way towards your classmates, your friends, to be exact. The looming feeling of jealousy crept up your spine as you watched them chatter happily about their significant other. While a few of your friends don't have a soulmate mark, half of them already found their soulmates while the other half dated other people to make up for their soulmate's absence.

They suggested you date someone since you always looked so gloomy, staring at them being all lovey dovey with their partner but you shut that idea down quickly. You wanted your first kiss to be with the one you'll spend the rest of your lives with, someone special.

"I just have to be patient, i'm sure we'll meet sooner or later." You thought positively, though deep down you knew you could only hope.

1 year later

One full year had passed and you were still as single as ever. Your routine now consists of: eating, sleeping, studying, crying over how lonely you are, and scrolling through social media. Even your best friend F/n is dating someone, and she doesn't have a soulmate mark, unlike you.

Not trying to say people with soulmate marks can't find love, it's just you were given an advantage, a mark that tells you something about the person who's meant for you, someone who's supposed to click with you upon glance. And here you are, alone as ever, your hand caressing the mark every now and then.

Everywhere you go, a reminder that you're single always appears in your face, much to your annoyance. You weren't too upset on not having a partner at first, but seeing the lovey dovey shit couples do, their cute gestures, the adorable pet names, the valentines gifts, it all made you so infuriated.

You were mad at yourself for not being able to get a partner, you were annoyed at yourself for not finding your soulmate sooner despite having a clue on who they are. You had to admit, this whole soulmate mark system made you more social. You would occasionally be seen on the streets chatting with strangers or talking to every single new student that attended your high school. You even contemplated on going on omegle but F/n fortunately stopped you.

You heard something snap and that brought you back to reality. You glanced down to see one of your favorite pencil, broken into two. And to think the day couldn't get any more sour.


A couple of years had flew by and it was your graduation day. And still, your soulmate was no where to be found. You slumped in your seat as your gaze wanders around the venue. You looked like a walking corpse, staring soullessly at the couples celebrating their graduation with a hint of envy in your eyes.

"Y/n, i know you're against the idea of getting a boyfriend, but it's seriously depressing seeing you gawk at couples." she paused "not to mention hella weird." Hikari, your friend commented, snapping you out of your trance. A sigh escaped your mouth as you stared at her in slight irritation.

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