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Your figure trembled slightly under his gaze, tears threatening to fall from the corner of your eyes. He had an unreadable look on his face, a mixture of sadness, shock, and fear?

The silence was suffocating, you shifted uncomfortably while your gaze remained on anything that wasn't him. Akio stared at you, his mouth opening but no words came out.

You ended your call with F/n, a train of internal curses sent her way. If it weren't for her calling you, Akio wouldn't have found out, and if he didn't found out, you wouldn't be in this predicament.

But what was done couldn't be fixed, you have to own up to your doings. Hesitantly, you lifted your head which caught the attention of the ravenette that sat next to you.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner."

He questioned, emotions danced in his eyes as he spoke with a shaky voice. You looked at him and took a deep breath before answering.

"I-i didn't want you to-... it didn't matter whether-.."

Your mouth felt dry, your brain unable to come up with the response, You sighed before you took a deep breath once more.

"I didn't tell you because i didn't feel the need to-"

"-what do you mean?!-"

"You didn't need to know--"

"-Yes i do! Why do you-"

"Listen to me first damn it!" You shouted at the male, frustration written all over your face. He quieted down and after a few seconds had passed by, you began to explain.

"I didn't tell you, because i felt like there was no use in telling you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and only you.... not him." You confessed, a bit of weight lifted off your chest. Akio looked at you with his eyebrows knitted, a look that didn't sit right with you.

"....Why would you choose me over your soulmate?" You had a baffled look on your face, choking slightly on your saliva.


"Why would you choose me over your soulmate? He.. He was meant for you, his traits matches your desires, you're supposed to be with him, not me." He let out a strained chuckle, while your expression stayed the same.

"W-what if i want to stay with you and not him?"

Silence overtook the both of you, Akio had an unreadable look on his face, while tears streamed down your face.

"That'd be impossible."

He finally answered, a chuckle left his lips as he looked at the floor. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion and anger, impossible?

"No it isn't!"

"Yes it is."

"Soulmates are bonded by something, in your case, a mark. Some marks are bonded by certain things, judging on how you like to roll in bed while clutching your arm, i'm guessing emotions. Whatever your soulmate feels, you will feel as well." He explained, his eyes glossy as his lips quivered with every word he uttered.

"So?! How does this makes us impossible?!"


"You don't get it, don't you?"

"If the two of you are bonded by emotion, the pain he feels from you leaving him for me will carry on to you as well. The empty feeling inside him, the sadness you've brought upon him. You will feel it as well."

"And your point is?!"

"You would be better off with him." He didn't want to speak of the matter any longer, heading off to the bathroom in a rush.

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