19ꉓꃅꍏꉣ꓄ꍟꋪ ꈤꀤꈤꍟ꓄ꍟꍟꈤ19

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                   The smell of sweets filled the air, waking me up immediately. I rubbed my eyes and saw I had fallen asleep on the couch. Wally must've put a pillow under my head when he got up to make breakfast. I pulled off the blanket, quickly noticing that Wally and I had unfortunately got the couch covered in blood. My lip curled in disgust; I need a shower.

I swung my legs over the side and stretched my arms in the air. I popped my back with a sigh, glancing down at the coffee table and noting that Wally already picked out a change of clothes for me. I smiled at the thought and picked up the neat stack, walking around the couch and down the hall to the bathroom. I opened the curtain and turned the knob, water immediately shot out of the shower head. I stripped as the water filled the room with steam, just how I like it. I jumped in, closed the curtain, and sighed happily as the water dissolved my bloodied "second skin". I felt like a new person entirely as I watched layers of dirt and grime run off into the drain. I heard a sudden knock at the door, causing me to almost slip and fall in the shower.

"Breakfast is done, just thought I'd let you know." Wally's voice said, muffled behind the door.

I turned the knob off and reached my hand out behind the curtain to grab a towel. I stepped out of the shower and dried off, then threw on the very blue outfit Wally had picked out for me. He chose a pair of blue velvet pants and an oversized white shirt. I grabbed the doorknob and swung the door open, bumping straight into Wally and colliding our foreheads.

"Ow! Wally- what are you doing?" I said, rubbing my forehead to soothe the pain.

"I'm sorry! I just didn't want to eat without you so I thought I'd wait outside the door." He said, offering an apologetic smile.

Surprisingly, I wasn't creeped out by this. To me, this was a step in the right direction. He's trying to be respectful, though, it could use some work. It's the thought that counts. Wally waved his hand as a signal for me to follow him, seeming awfully hyper today. I crossed my arms as we made our way into the kitchen, my mouth watering as the sweet smell in the air washed over me again.

"Detectives are always eating donuts in the movies I watch, so, I thought since we're going to be partners on this oh, what do they call it? Ah, investigation, I'd make some donuts!" He said, cheerfully showing off the beautifully iced donuts that covered the table in trays of dozens.

I swallowed the drool that had started to pool in my mouth and laughed at how hard he was trying. It was almost.. nevermind. I can't think that now, I have important things to do. We have important things to do.

I took a seat at the table, digging into the strawberry iced donuts and beaming as the flavor hit my tongue. Something about Wally's cooking is so heavenly! I could eat it all day. Wally sat across from me, resting his head in his palm and watching me eat. I looked up and mouthed the words 'creepy' to him, causing him to shift his eyes to one of the donuts and blink. I smiled at this, maybe Wally isn't so bad. In only half an hour, all of the delicious donuts were gone.

"I'm so fullll!" I groaned, leaning back in the chair.

Wally giggled and began cleaning up the table. I reached to pick up one of the plates but Wally grabbed my hand sternly. We made eye contact and he brought my hand up to his lips, placing a kiss on my knuckles before putting my hand back onto the table and picking up the plate.

"Let me, my dear. I insist." He said, placing the pile of plates into the sink.

He grabbed a colorful arrow magnet from his fridge and tilted it towards the sink as if it were a reminder. The more I paid attention, the more I saw.. Wally. I couldn't help but smile at his little reactions and movements, they were all so interesting.

Okay, so, maybe I was falling for this guy- not the best idea but, he's actually maybe trying to be better. I contemplated.

"Alright commander, what's the first mission of the day?" Wally said, jokingly.

"Well, we'll need to start with getting solid interviews from everyone around the neighborhood. Then from there, we can narrow down suspects and interrogate them one-by-one to piece together the whole story." I said, pondering if I had missed anything.

"Do you happen to have a cork-board anywhere? It's where I used to pin up my information." I said, standing from the kitchen table.

"Oh, I might somewhere around here.. but if not, we can use the walls of my painting room. I'm sure Home won't mind, right?" Wally said, knocking gently on the wall.

Wally didn't get a response from Home and I snorted at his weak attempt to hide it by blurting,

"We should start with Frank, he's always so gloomy. Never letting anyone besides Julie and Eddie inside his home. What if he's hiding something?"

I paced over to the living room, trying to plan out the operation in my head.

"Okay. Let's start there - I'll just have to remember everything he says." I said dismissively.

"No need! Here, I already thought ahead." Wally beamed, pulling a notepad and pen from his pocket.

I smiled and took hold of the blue leathered notepad, admiring the fact Wally had burnt my name in the leather.

"I couldn't sleep much last night, so I did some research and thought I could give you your own official detective.. thing, haha." He said, rubbed the back of his neck and glancing around the room as a blush spread across his cheeks.

"Thank you, Wally! I love it. Let's do this." I said, holding out my hand to him.

He took hold of it and we left Home, setting out for Frank's house. Wally was right about it looking a tad bit depressing. The colors of the house weren't as bright as the others, feeling more washed out. Wally let go of my hand and walked in front of me, making his way up the cracked stairs and knocking on the tall yellow door. The door cracked open a tad bit, showing only Frank's left eye. Wally smiled and gave a small wave to him. I quickly noted that a chain lock was visible from where I stood, asking the question - 'what is he hiding?'

"Hello, are you Frank?" I said, stepping next to Wally.

"Who's asking?" His nasally voice spoke, sounding very annoyed.

"Oh- I'm new here. But it doesn't matter.. do you think we can ask you a few questions?" I said, flipping the notebook cover back open and holding my pen up.



He shut the door in our faces.

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𝑩𝒆𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝒆𝒚𝒆𝒔 (Wally darling x reader)Where stories live. Discover now