Chapter Ninety | Wounds Reopen

Start from the beginning

Tears pricked at the end of his eyes as he layed down, staring at the open starless sky from his balcony.

There was no moon, no stars, not even the night sky, all of it was just covered in the thick shield of grey clouds ready to pour.


"Maa says, Shri Krishna is going to come soon as well." Devika chirped as she walked inside the castle alongwith her cousins and friends. All the kids returned from their day eight of working on the tree house which was about to be ready before Drishti's decided birthday and Krishna returning from Dwarka to see his idea has flourished so beautiful had them all so excited.

"I wonder what he will say about the Tree house." Lakshmana grinned at them until they were interrupted by a rough voice coming from behind, "About what?"

Turning around they were all met with the awful sight of Jaydrath coming towards them causing most of them's smile to wear off. It was Devika who answered after no one did, "We are all helping with Drishti maa's birthday gift, a house built on trees."

Jaydrath barked out a laugh indicating how silly she sounded causing the older kids to roll their eyes and Lakshman pulled Devika back to face Jaydrath now with a slight glare, "What's so funny Sindhraj?"

Jaydrath's matched his glare as he spoke, "It is funny seeing all of you matching your parents' foolishness and also you are my nephew Lakshman, there's no need of such formalities."

"There is no need of coming to Hastinapur in every two months as well but nevermind." In the background Drumsena and Vrishaketu snickered.

"Excuse me?" Karnika scowled towards Jaydrath irritated with the old man's attitude, "What do you mean by foolishness? How can you talk about our parents like that?"

Jaydrath held a displeased look at he muttered down at the tiny fuming head, "I'd rather not waste my breath on you."

"What is going on here?" It was Duryodhan who called coming towards them with Dushasan and their wives and Jaydrath replied, "Was just listening to these kids wasting their time at a barn, Duryodhan. You should better keep an eye on them, they keeping engaging with those orphan, lower class kids and that woman-"

"No one asked you to listen to us, you were idle and was just trying to waste our time as well." Karnika reasoned with an eyebrow raised causing mostly everyone's eyes to widen in slight amusement. Vrishasena gave her the stern look, while everyone were trying to hold their chuckles, "Karnika, behave yourself."

"Its clearly reflecting what these kids are being taught there, good luck dealing with them all of you. I'll go for a walk around the town." With that Jaydrath went past them as he smartly tried to stomp over Karnika's tiny foot and so he did, causing her to cry out in pain and showed fake sincerity, "Aw, did it hurt? I am so sorry."

With that he stormed off leaving people glare after him hotly meanwhile Karnika was on the verge of tears as Lakshman quickly crouched in front of her caressing her tony feet and whispered, "We will squeeze lemons in his eyes with red pepper and trip him down the stairs from the eighth floor and release an angry bull after him when he wont be able to walk-"

"That's enough Lakshman, people can hear you." His younger sister muttered causing Lakshman to glance behind him and see how his parents were eyeing him in shock, he shrugged, "What? That's the least I just said."

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