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He watched in pure horror as the words shouted
"Connor get back, it's a trap," it was evans voice
3 guns shots hit his true love Connor scream pushing past the other cops
"EVAN," he screamed crashing to his knees in front of the bloody, dead, husband
"I'm sorry, oh god I'm sorry,"  he cried touching evans soft hands, warm, still warm
He sobs became erratic as he grabbed his husbands face rubbing over the boys cheek bones sharp- hold on sharp
He pulled the others face back a wave of relief flooded his vains the man's face was sharp and thin, his jawline could cut Someone, his nose was downturned and his eyes they were green, it wasn't evans soft features, his soft jawline, his sharp nose, his blue eyes, his brown curly hair, only then did he notice the brown wig
"It's not him," he breathed
" ITS NOT HIM," he screamed
He stuffed his gun back in its holster and stood up, the random man's blood over his face
He almost collapsed into Jared's arms
"Not him," he repeated  Jared wrapped his arms around the boy holding him up
"It's okay, we'll find him," he whispered
Connor nodded and pulled back
He ripped off his police vest and pulled on some gloves.
He wakes up to the gun touching it
"It was automated, it was to go off when we opened the door,"  Alana explained
Connor nodded
He stumbled out the door shaking when his captain caught him
"Detective Murphy, go home, you need rest," she ordered
"With all due respect captain beckett, I can't, I need to find him,"
"And you won't find him if your not alive, I can see you, your shaking, your have massive bags under your eyes, go rest, that is a order," she said

Connor huffed "I'm fine,"
"No your not, your leaning on the wall and shaking, come on I'll drive you,"
Connor rolled his eyes but followed, she drove him home in front of th small house they sat
"If you find anything, please just call me," Connor begged
"Yes Connor we will," she smiled
Connor got out of the car walking up to the front door he opened the door and looked at the door to there bedroom, as if he expected evan to walk right through it, he walk dead to his lounge laying down on it, and switching on the tv keeping it on the news, he didn't know when he fell asleep, but he woke up with the sun rising, his phone ringing  he grabbed it answering it,
"Murphy," he answered
"Hey Connor it's Zoe, I just heard. I'm coming over,"
"I'm fine, seriously," Connor mumbled
"No your not, dumbass," Zoe said
Connor sighed "fine,"
The single beep said she hung up  he sat up noticing he still had his boots in, the blood was still on his hands, he was lucky the blood didn't stain his brown lounge
He got up and washed his hands, making sure to polish off his sliver ring, his wedding ring. He splashed his face.

He pulled off his boots and rubbed his face, he grabbed a microwaved dinner and put it in  he sat down wanting nothing more than to drink and forget, but he couldn't now, he needed to find Evan, he grabbed the plate he put the food on and walked to his desk and sat down and watched the security footage again, over and over again untill his sister opened the door making him jump
"Connor have you slept at all,"
"You're still in your clothes from yesterday, and your bed is still made,"
Connor sighed
"I slept on the lounge,"
"I can't sleep in there, everything reminds me of him, I- just -I," Connor choaked out
Before breaking down crying
He crumpled in his desk chair- his hands shaking
"Its my fault," he got out
He felt like he couldn't breathe it was a mix of screaming and hyperventilating, violent forceful crying,  he  griped his desk
" I'm a fucking idiot,"
He slammed his fist on his desk and swiped off everything- his laptop cracked- pencil holder shattered. He grabbed his chair throwing it at the wall, unable to contain his frustration and sadness, he could hear Zoe shouting at him- but he simply didn't care,  he punch the wall and fell to the floor
"I c-can't do this without h-h-him," he got out
"I-m better of k—killing myself," he sobbed
He felt Zoe wrap her arms around him pinning his arms to his sides
"He's okay, he's not gone,"
"How do you know?" He snapped
" I don't, but I know evans a fighter,"
Connor slumped into Zoe's arms
"I miss him, I can't even go into our bedroom, because it smells like him, I just-"
"I know, I know,"
Zoe let him cry, she didn't know how long, but Connor ended up passing out, she carried him to the lounge and dialed Jared's number
"Anything on Evan?" She asked
"Not yet, we have put a  APB the car he was shoved in, I didn't call Connor because, we don't think it's anything,"
"He's not in the best mental states right now" Zoe confessed
"We know," Jared mumbled 
" he just destroyed his office," Zoe whispered
"Oh shit," Jared muttered
"I'll stay with him, until Evan is found," Zoe said
"Okay, that's good, because, the car was found,"
Connor jumped awake as his phone started blasting as it rang he grabbed it answering it

"Hey captain,"
"You have, I'm on my way,"  Connor stood up grabbing his jacket  and pulling his boots on
"Connor, wait," Zoe called
Connor grabbed his coat and his keys
"I need to go, zo, I promise I'll be fine," Connor said shutting the door
He drove quickly to the location of the van  he ducked under the yellow tape and pulled on his blue gloves
"Wait, wait Connor," Jared stood in front of him
He dodged Jared's arms and ran to the van, there was blood, Alana was testing it, his mind already went to Evan was dead, he was dead, he couldn't save him
"Connor it's not what it looks like," Alana said quickly
"No no no no no no, is it his?" Connor asked shaking his head
She didn't respond
"ALANA PLEASE TELL ME,"  connor shouted
"I-i don't know,"
"I'm going to be sick," connor touch held his stomach and ran to a bin close up, vomiting, up chunks of his dinner, he felt a hand in his back begging it to be Evan but it wasn't It was Jared's
" you okay," he asked
"Is it evans ?" Connor asked ignoring Jared question
"We don't know, we need his blood type," Jared sighed
"B positive," Connor sighed hopefull
" okay,"
He stood up and walked back talking deep breaths
" sorry bout that," Connor sighed
"It's fine, take your time, but I have good news," Alana smiled " the blood is A neg, not his," 
Connor gasped in relief
"Thank fuck,"
"But he was in here,  there's finger prints.

It had been 2 days later when they found him  Connor was first through the door, gun in one, torch  in the other  he turned a corner and found Evan, his Evan tied up to a wooden chair he put his gun in his holster and and falling front of Evan, making Evan jump
"Baby its me," Connor smiled and grabbed his face
He quickly undid the rope around his mouth
"Connor?" Evan asked
"Yeah it's me," Connor smiled
He undid the rope on evans wrists and legs not caring about the rope burn on his fingers, he grabbed Evan and walked out
Evan got looked at in the ambulance where it was found that he had no injury's they were just about to leave when the building exploded
"O-oh my god," Connor said
"Let's just get out of here, con I want to go home," Evan said
Connor smiled and held evans hand " yes, of course,"

As soon as they get home, evan showers and they get into bed
" why is the bed still made?" Evan asked
" I kinda slept on the lounge, don't asked me what happened to our study I honestly don't remember," Connor smiled

They cuddled up and went to sleep only for Connor
To wake up and grab Evan which in turn made Evan wake up
"Your alive, oh god your alive," Connor breathed and holding his face
"I'm right here," Evan whispered
"I shouldn't be like this, your the one who went missing, you should be the one having nightmares and fucking breaking down,"
Connor started crying and shaking again
Evan sat up and held him
" you saved me, con," Evan whispered "I'm right here, not going anywhere,"

"Why am I like this?" Connor asked looking at Evan
"I don't know, dear, but I'm here and i'm safe,"
Connor nodded into Evans shoulder
"We're going to be fine, aren't we?" Connor asked
"Yes we are, once we clean up the office," Evan chuckled
Which made Connor laugh  they laid back down cuddling together
"Why aren't you scared?" Connor asked
"Because, I'm with you," Evan responded
Connor smiled and snuggled into evans shoulder
"Love you,"
" love you too," 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2023 ⏰

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