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Connor had his arms wrapped around Evans waist protectively he had his face dug into Evans neck, asleep
Evan was sleeping too, both of them sleeping at 3pm having a napping date as evan called it.
Evan woke up before Connor and noticed that connors shirt was pulled up slightly
He could see a missive scare on his left hip it was to thin and neat to be self harm, it looked surgical.

Evan ran his fingers along the scar  on connors hip stopping as it ran into connors waist band
"What are you doing?" Connors voice scared evan out of his skin
"This scar, what is it?"
Connor immediately pulled his shirt down and faced Evan
"Nothing you need to worry about," Connor responded kissing evan on thr head  and sat up
"Connor," evan whined
"I need to go for my run sweetheart, your welcome to join me, I'll be back, its our sleepover night," Connor responded grabbing his shorts
Thats when evan saw this actual self harm scars most if them now a dull white he pulled up his short and pulled on his jogging shoes and left Evans house
He rushed down the stairs smiling at heidi
"Connor, what's got you worried you can't fool me," she said folding her arms
"Evan asked me about the scar,"
"Connor, he'll love you either way,"
"Its just-"
"Very personal i know," heidi whispered
Apparently not quiet enough because wvan could hear everything they were saying
'What was wrong with Connor,'
"Now go for your run before you pass out," heidi smiled
Connor nodded and left the house running down the street managing his high blood pressure
Thats when evan creeped down the stairs
"What was that about? What's wrong with Connor?" Evan immediately asked
"Ev, its not for me to tell,"
" but if he's going to faint then why don't I know, why had he got a surgical scar on his hip,"
"Ev sweetie, he'll tell you i promise,"
Evan huffed and nodded.
An hour had passed and Connor opened the door having made up his mind, he was going to tell Evan
He pulled out his ear buds and looked at evan sitting on thr couch
"Hey sweetheart, can we talk?" He asked grabbing some water
"Yes, we need to talk,"
The tone evan used shook him to his core
"Ev, what's up,"
" i heard what you said to my mum, something you wanted to tell me but is very personal," evan took a breathe his voice wavering " I'm your boyfriend  con were supposed to talk, you know all my secrets,"
Connor nodded and sat next to evan
" I'm sorry ev, I'm so sorry, I just- I hate the memory of this scar,"
Evan softened and nodded
" and im gonna tell you just give me a sec,"  Connor said  he took a few breaths
"When me and Zoe were ten," connor started  and evan nodded
" Zoe got very sick and not just like a cold sick like very badly sick," Connor croaked " like not eating, coughing alot like to the point of coughing up blood, so we took her to the doctors and discovered that her left kidney was failing because of kidney disease," Connor sobbed
Evan wrapped a arm around Connor rubbing his shoulder
" and they didn't have any kidneys around will to be donated, so I being thr b'big brother asked if I c-could,"
"Donate?" Evan asked softly
Connor nodded his head
"I did test after test and they found out I was eligible for a kidney transfer to Zoe, and I did it, and all I remember is falling asleep in the surgery and waking up next to Zoe, we were told if I hadn't donated my kidney she would've died that day," Connor finished
Evan smiled softly pulling Connor into a hug
" you saved her con,"
"She h-hates me anyway,"  Connor whimpered
" I'm sure she doesn't hate you," Evan whispered
Connor lent his head into Evans shoulder and gently cried untill he fell asleep again Evan gently laid down with connor in his arms and his mother walked in "he tell you?"
" hes a hero," evan responded playing his the ends of connors hair
Heidi smiled
evan switch on the tv and fell asleep himself.

They woke up a few hours later connors head pounding
"Ev, sweet,"
Evan looked down at him
"Whats wrong?"
"Fucking headache,"
"Okay let me grab some padadol and a wet towel,"
"What did I do to deserve you ev?"
" just be yourself con, thats what you did,"

Treebros (Connor murphy x Evan Hansen) one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now