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TW- Abusive language

Connor and Heidi walked up to his door, Connors breathing wasn't steady he was scared. Scared of his father, no kid should be scared of his father.
Heidi knocked on the wooden white door Connor immediately shrunk behind Heidi as the door opened Larry was there red faced
"There you are, we've been worried sick," Larry faked worry
"I-I," Connor stuttered
Heidi smiled " hi, I'm Heidi evans mother,"
"Oh," Larry sighed "well thank you for bringing Connor home, we'll deal with him,"
" um okay," Heidi sighed "he hasn't done anything wrong, I just wanted to drop him home," r
Connor grabbed onto Heidi's jacket as they hugged " I'll be waiting out front for half an hour," she said having a gut feeling that something wasn't right
Connor nodded "tell Evan I said bye," he smiled
Heidi nodded and walked to her car she watched from the corner of her eye seeing Connor pulled inside, she could hear shouting mainly from Larry, she got in her car and waited, rain started pouring.

"BULLSHIT, WHAT ARE YOU A FAG?" Larry cornered Connor at the front door
Connor sobbed
"I k-know," Connor cried
Connor bit his lip trying to hold back sobs
"You're nothing but a burden Connor, we never loved you, we all hate you," Larry growled
Connor screamed and slammed his fist against Larry's chest forcing him back and grabbed the front door opening it but Larry grabbed him forcing him around
"How stupid are you, yknow you did this to yourself," he growled and shoved Connor out the door "don't bother coming back,"
Connor walked towards Heidi's car making but he couldn't walk, he got half way down the drive way when he fell onto his knees and grabbed his sides and rocked back and forth
Heidi immediately got out of her car running to Connor rubbing his back he shifted his wait into Heidi
"W-why can't he just be my dad for fucks sake," connor sobbed
"It's okay, come one I'll take you back to mine, Evan will be there with spare clothes and you can stay,"
Connor nodded Heidi helped Connor up he shakily walked to Heidi's car and slipped into the passenger seat Heidi buckled him up and got into the drivers seat
Heidi gently turned on the car music player Connor whined
"No sound?"
Connor nodded and fell against the seat back

Once they got to the house Connor unbuckled himself and slipped out of the car
, he was still shakey heidi opened the front door Evan stopping his worried pacing
Connor ran into evans arms and started sobbing, heidi smiled sadly at the two then deciding to give them privacy.

They sat up in evans room
" he said that- that I'm a disappointment," Connor whimpered
Evan pulled him into a hug
"Your here, you're safe now, I promise,"
Connor smiled looking up at evan, planting a kiss on evans lips
As they cuddled in the double bed.
"Your not a disappointment, your so smart and talented, and perfect,"

Connor dug his head into evans chest and smiled
"Love you,"
"I love you too con, more than anything,"

Treebros (Connor murphy x Evan Hansen) one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now