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T.W-- child abuse and self-harm

Connor was curled up taking blow after blow from his step father larry, kicks, punches, whips even getting cut up by a knife.
" useless,"
Words that were just spouted at him on a daily basis
Once Larry walked off and slammed the door to his office Connor groaned and stood up, he rushed into his room and to his bathroom he looked at himself he had a scar going across the bridge of his nose he turned on the shower and just sat in it slowly taking off his boxers and white shirt
He sat there in pain his body was coated in bruises and cuts he grabbed his blade from the sink and pushed it against his thighs he did long and quick cuts
He finally stood up and turned off the shower he stood up and gently dried himself and pulled on loose fitting sweat pants and a black sweater with a red strip on it.
He went down stairs to make dinner as it was his night to cook, he made a carbonara and dished it he called dinner and sat down to quickly eat it
" did you burn it?" Larry asked putting his fork down
"No, I didn't," Connor said quietly
" oh larry its not burnt," Cynthia laughed and took another bite
Connor finished his small portion and cleaned his dish before going up to bed he laid there listening to the rain hit his window when he woke up he pulled on a grey button up and the his hoodie hiding all of the brusis and the ones on his neck he could hide with foundation he pulled on his jeans and boots, he grabbed hisnbag which was hooked on his desk chair.
Once he was down stairs
Connor grabbed his keys and looked at Zoe
" lets go,"
Zoe nodded and followed along with her bag in her hands
" are you okay?" She asked once they got into the truck noticing the matted makeup on connors neck
" yeah fine, why?" Connor quickly responded
"No reason," she smiled
Whe. They pulled up to school and Zoe slipped out first and then Connor slipped out and locked his car people stared and shrunk away from him he pushed past all the students and went to his locker he opened it and started shiving his books into it
" hey Connor very love the new hair length school shooter chic," a person walked past him Connor turned he faced the person and it was non other than jared kleinman
He made eye contact with the other person Connor knew as evan hansen then rolled his eyes and walked away
He walked into the liberty and sat down at the computer lab he lent his head on the desk trying to ignore the pain radiating from his chest. The bell rang.
He was sitting in class his head on the desk when he felt a shift in weight and someone sit down next to him he turned his head and saw evan hansen
" so we're working on the project together,"
Connor nodded " okay, when do you want to work on it,"
" I don't mind, this weekend?" Evan asked
Connir shrugged and and made a sound of agreement
Connor pulled put his art journal and filled it to a empty page he started drawing he didn't know what he just draw lines after lines which morphed into a truly disturbing drawing he started down at it and scratched his neck which took the make up off a bright purple bruis was revealed
" holy shit," evan whispered " where'd you get that bruis?"
Connor looked at evan and then at his hand and to the drawing he slammed the book shut and stuff it in his bag he stumbled off the chair
" leaving, I can't," Connor muttered his breathing sped up alittle he ran down the hall and pushed into a bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror
" shit shit shit," he whispered as he looked at the bruis he reached in his bag and there was nothing " fuck fuck fuck,"
Connor didn't know what to do anger and fear built up inside him, he couldn't see straight all he felt was pain in his fist and then he slowly calmed
He had punched the glass mirror his had shattered everywhere Connor grabbed a sharp in his already bloody hand and rushed into a stall he couldn't stand it anymore. He pulled at his jeans so he was only in his boxers and pushed the glass into his leg it was thicker than he was used to he gasped and quickly covered his mouth as he continued
" Connor?"
Shit that was Zoe he put his legs up to the stall door and stayed quite
" stop trying to hide i saw you come in here Connor please,"
Connor slowly pulled up his jeans and opened the stall
" Zoe you really shouldn't go into a men's bathroom,"
" dip shit, this is a woman's bathroom,"
Connor looked around and saw the splashed of pink and noted how it didn't smell of urine
Zoe gasped
" Connor where did you get that," she pointed at his bruise
" i dunno," Connor shrugged his thigh stinging and felt his blood starting to soak his jeans
She grabbed him on his arms and shook him
" Connor please, I'm your sister were supposed to have each others backs and I can't stand watching you slave all day around Larry, what was happening last night please Connor," she started crying
" Zoe i-i can't tell you, you wouldn't believe me,"
Zoe tightened her grip
" connir i swear to fucking christ tell me,"
Connor had tears welled up in his eyes he broke out of zoes grip and crumpled to the wall
" Larry fucking hits me, is that what you want to hear, I got the bruise from Larry, he tried choaking me, OKAY," Connor looked at Zoe she was in shock
" Connor I didn't know,"
Connor gave a emotionless laugh " no one knows not even mum, I'm a pretty damn good actor aren't I,"
Tears started to pour out of her eyes
" do you want to see the rest Zoe, cause I will, you have conciler right?"
Zoe nodded and watched ass connir pulled off his hoodie and the unbuttoned his shirt revealing his bruised chest and then grabbed some paper towel and wetted them he wiped off all the make up and looked at Zoe
" holy shit how come you never told any of us, Connor we could've helped, mum wouldve,"
" she's blind to it," Connor said quickly buttoning his shirt back up and sticking his hand out Zoe pulled it out and hesitate ld to hand it
"I'll put it on you, okay?"
Connor nodded and let his sister apply the make up
" see much better," Connor thanked her and Zoe surprised him with hug
" now dip shit, you gotta get back to class,"
Connir smiled and ruffled zoes hair
" Connor, you dick,"
Connor laughed and walked out he got back into class and slipped in the seat next to evan
" so what did I miss," Connor asked
" just working on the assignment,"
" oh, what is it?"
" just answering these questions,"
Connor nodded " so could I grab your number,"
Evans face flushed red "sure,"
They exchanged number
" so, what happened to that bruise?" Evan asked
" oh that was just ink, my pen broke, that's why I rushed out of the class room," Connor lied
" what happened to your fist,"
Connor knew he forgot domthibg
" do you only ask questions," Connor retorted
" its fine,"
Connor looked down and frowned he fucks up everything.
He noticed the wet patch on his jeans right on his thighs had finally stopped growing.
When it was time to go home Connor was waiting in his car and Zoe slipped in
" how are you?"
" in pain,"
Zoe sighed " are you sure you should be driving?"
" Zo i can do this okay?" Connor grumbled the car rumbled to life and he pulled out of be car park pain shot down his leg from his thigh
He ignored it and continued to drive when they pulled into there drive and Connor let out a gasp when he took the pressure off his leg
He felt his jeans get wet with his blood
Connor groaned and got out of his truck he limped to his room and pulled off his jeans his legs and looked at the blood that was smeared all over his thigh
He grabbed the bandages and quickly cleaned his thigh and he was about to wrap his leg up when Zoe walked in with a tub of cream
" holy shit con how did what happened,"
Connor look to Zoe,
" out of my room," Connor shouted
Zoe stood her ground " connor did you do that to yourself,"
Connor nodded
" what did-" Zoe cleared her throat " what did you used,"
"G-glass," Connor stuttered and then quickly wrapped his thighs up
He pulled on some sweet pants
" I got you some anika cream to get rid of your bruses hopefully,"
She chucked the tube at him and sat down
" Zoe I'm serious can you leave i want to have a lay down before Larry gets at me for somthing," connor frowned
Zoe nodded and walked out
It was a few minutes before he heard a shout
Connor groaned and walked out of his room, Larry grabbed onto him and kneed him
" you broke a fucking mirror at school, do you know how much that costs,"
" I'm sorry," Larry dropped Connor and kicked him in his chest the kicked him in connors knee making his knee pop out of place
Connir let out a scream tears rushing down his face. Zoe had covered her ears trying to ignore her brother screams
After a few minutes Larry heard Cynthia's car pull up he shoved Connor into his room " clean your self up worthless fuck," Connor quickly stood up his knee stung
" FUCK," he shouted and fell back down he sobbed silently as he cleaned his face he ignored the pain from his knee and walked out
" Connor darling are you okay?" Cynthia asked
" yeah, just kneed my desk," Connor lied
Connor phone buzzed and he pulled it out
E: hey its Evan, just clarifying we working tomorrow at mine?
C: yeah, sure, again I'm sorry
E: no no it's fine
Connir smiled and put his phone down the dinner went well and then he stood up grunted Zoe looked at him worried he waves his hand.
The next day when Connor pulled of his sweat pants he looked down at his knee
It was dislocated he sighed and pulled on some loose jeans and a hoodie he put on his conceler and walked out as best as he could severely limping his knee was worse than yesterday day he couldn't put pressure on it
Connor made it to the breakfast table he lent on the table breathing through the pain.
Zoe finished her cereal and walked put to the truck with Connor, he got in the driver seat
" okay I can do this," Connor whispered
"Whats wrong,"
" nothing, to worry about just sore," Connor looked to his sister
He pulled out of the drive way pain was shooting down His leg from his knee
He got half way to school before breaking into tears
" fuck, I can't, you drive," Connor cried
" oh-oh God okay pull over,"
Connor nodded and Practicicly swirved of the road and slammed the breaks he got out if the car and got.into the passenger seat
While Zoe crawled to the driver seat he adjusted the chair to be closer and turned to Connor
" whats wrong? Do you want me to go to the doctors?"
" no doctors they ask to many questions, I think my knee is dislocated," Connor sniffed
" dont you have sport today?" Zoe asked pulling back out onto the road
" yeah, I'll just skip, I'm going over to hansens house so I'll miss larrys wrath,"
Zoe smiled and pulled into a parking spot at the highschool and watched Connor limp to the car getting stares.
School was sloe and Connor spent his time trying not to cry whenever he put pressure on his knee.
At the end of the day he was talking to evan walking to his truck and saw Zoe standing with the keys she slid in the truck when she saw them
" alright I'll drop you too off at Evans house then I drive home, where do you live evan?"
" 3 pineward Street," evan whispered quickly
Connir lent his head against he head rest and tries to breathe through the pain
" are you okay Connor,"
" yeah I just have a shit knee and I'm in pain," connir flashed a smile ." Connor don't lie, your mums a nurse right?" Zoe butted in
" y-yeah,"
" Zoe don't you dare,"
" our step dad is abusive towards Connor and dislocated his knee and its not treated,"
"WHAT," evan shouted
" I don't know how to pop it back in,"
" my mum knows, she's not at work today. Is there any other wound I should know about,"
Connor shook his head glaring at Zoe
When they arrived at Evans house evan go out first and grabbed his bag and oledn connors door and helped him out
" ev I've been walking on it all day, I'm pretty sure I'm fine," Connor grumbled
" no, it's just adrenaline please let me help,"
Connor sighed but let him help he got Connor to the door and he knocked
" hi honey,"
" hi mum, this is Connor, he is my study friend, but he has a dislocated knee his sister told me it was last night, by his step dad,"
" oh my," Mrs hansen wrapped another arm around Connor and planted him on a dining table chair
" look Connor your gonna have to take you jeans off,"
" no, no, I can't please," Connor shook
" honey i swear we won't judge," Ms hansen gently whispered
Connor whimpered " please don't make me,"
" Connor I'm a nurse, I've seen all sorts of things. And I'm sure it won't effect me,"
" can evan not see,"
" of course, evan help me to the bathroom,"
They slowly helped Connor to the bathroom and sat him down on the toilet. "evan I need you to leave,"
Evan nodded and shut the door behind him
" okay," heidi locked the door and turned to Connor who was struggling to take of his jeans he eventually got them off and looked away from heidi
" oh my,"
" I know ugly,"
"There not ugly, how deep are these?"
" i dunno,"
She then looked to his knee which was suited off to the side.
" alright this is gonna really hurt ready,"
Connor nodded and held onto the side of the toilet
" 3," she breathed
"2," Connor breathed
There was a loud crack connor screamed out and gasped in relief
" better right?" Heidi muttered
" yeah,"
" now let me look at those cuts,"
Connor just nodded and removed the bandages
"There deep but not deep enough to kill you,"
Connor nodded and let heidi cleaned up his legs hw pulled a brace out and placed it on his knee. He pulled his jeans back up and helped him walk back put to evan
" are you okay?" Evan asked
" yeah, yeah, fine now," connor smiled
Evan smiled pulled him into a hug
" alright let's do this," connor smiled and grabbed his bag from the floor
Evan smiled and led him upstairs to his room. They worked on the assignment for a few hours and then Connor stopped and looked at evan work, Connor couldn't help but smile at the boy God he was so cute, evan looked up and smiled in return and then went back to work, Connor kept on glancing to evan
"I-is there something one my face?" Evan asked
"No your just really cute and i-" Connor cut himself off " i need to go," he stood up
" Connor-"
" no you think I'm disgusting, I'm gonna go,"
Connor rushed out
" Connor you going home?"
" yeah, I got a call from Zoe," Connor lied before evan could make it out
Connor gave a small smile shut door and started walk home sobs racked his body, he was disgusting, why did he like evan like that, Larry would kill him, he quickly pulled out his phone and texted evan

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