Drummer Connor

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Connor was up in his room practising his drums which his parents got him when he started highschool, he was playing scarlet cross by black veil brides he loved playing drums he felt so free, and it just made him happy, his headphones playing the song and blasting the sound he was making, he didn't notice his mum standing at the door watching him. Connir was in a tank top and gym shorts his tattoo of a black band visible, his hair was tied up.
"Zoe come watch your brother,"
" whats he doing thats so- he is actually playing that?"
" yeah, I never thought he used it, but guess I was wrong,"
They watched in silence before Cynthia remembered why she was there .
Zoe had left to go dish her dinner, Cynthia knocked on connors door but the didn't hear
She slowly walked into the room and touched connors shoulder " con,"
Connir jumped and turned ripping off his headphone
"Shit!," He shouted
Cynthia chuckled " sorry I didn't mean to scare you, dinners ready,"
" oh. Okay ill be down in a sec,"
His mother nodded and left the room Connor put on a hoodie and rushed down stairs
"Took you long enough," Larry complained
"Well sorry for ruining your dinner," connor grumbled and pushed his sleeve up
And started eating he was half finished when he lent over the table to grab sauce
" why on gods name did you get that hideous tattoo," Larry grumbled
Connor dropped his fork and stared at Larry anger boiling under his skin
"Larry," Cynthia sighed "we've talked about this he turned 17 and I was there I gave permission its legal, and its his body,"
" he's not gonna be able to get a job, with that mess on his arm,"
Connir took a deep breath " i think I'm gonna go now," he didn't want to start a fight, not tonight he stood up and left the table
" dad what the fuck, you never knew what that tattoo is for,"
" no I don't, it's gross,"
" its for Miguel you know, the only friend Connor every had, the one that died in a car crash that Connor was in, you know that car crash that caused Connor to never drive again?" Zoe
" he's just a whimp, he should drive you to school, he has that beautiful sedan out there collecting dust,"
Cynthia stood up from the table
" jesus christ Larry, he's scared he'll hurt Zoe,"
She turned and ran up the stairs she heard muffled crying coming from connors room
" Connor honey, are you okay?"
" I'm fine, just go away," he shouted
"Connor I'm coming in,"
There wasn't a response she opened the door at the end of the hall and saw her son curled up on then floor hiding in a corner the ferthest away from the door
" oh con," she whispered and slowly walked towards him
"Why does he always criticise me, I always am doing something wrong in his eyes," he whispered looking away from his mum who had kneeled down beside him
" i don't know," she replied
" like I get it zoes perfect, zoe got a A on her maths exam, zoes in the school band, zoe who started her own band and is really successful and I'm just Connor zoes brother, zoes brother who threw a printer in second grade, the kid who killed his friend in a car crash, the phyco kid, the school shooter-"

Cynthia cut him off pulled him into a hug
"Hey stop that- don't compare yourself, you and Zoe are different, Connor you are my son, I love you, I don't care what happens or has happened, I'm not going anywhere im staying right here." Cynthia whispered
They stayed silent and Cynthia just rubbed her sons back
" remember when you were little and you made me buy all those marvel comic books specifically the spiderman ones, and you had those spiderman bed sheets,"
Connor nodded " I still have those comics,"
Cynthia smiled " remember that Halloween you were spider man, and you helped that little boy from a tree, because that's what hero's do?" She whispered
Connor could help but laugh " yeah, but then I fell out of the tree,"
Cynthia smiled
" yeah you did,"
"What happened to me?" Connor asked " i used to be this little bundle of happiness but then I just turned into a depressed, pot smoking, asshole," Connor grumbled
" I'm going to get you help, a therapist maybe, you should try out for the school band, that might bring you and Zoe close again?"
Connir sighed " I would like that, a therapist, but for the band thing I dunno if that's a good idea, I'll have a think,"
They sat there
"Can I listen to you play your drums, I overheard earlier, you sound amazing,"
Connor looked up his checks tear stained
" yeah, I umm play rocks songs and I just learnt jumpsuit by twenty one pilots, so?"
" yeah play it,"
Connor unplugged his headphones and hit the drums a loud boom made him jump
" shit that was loud," he muttered and turned it down
Cynthia laughed and watched as Connor started, by the time he was finished she was in awe
" I'm so proud,"
" what- why?"
" you're just really talented,"
Connor smiled and looked down his apple watch flashing the time at him
" its 10, I'm gonna go have a shower,"
Cynthia nodded and left the room while connor grabbed his towel and walked out of his room. He turned on the shower and grabbed his razor, even though he basically had no stuble you could still see a slight five o'clock shadow
He quickly shaved he knicked his cheek but didn't really flinch he got into yhenshower after he shaved and had a shower he walked into his room he grabbed his sleep clothes and put them he laid down in his bed and sighed he rolled over facing his wall and shut his eyes.

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