Avatar AU

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Evan stood in shock as they rolled in one of them, it's was around 9 and a half feet tall, it was blue and had cat like features. His nose  was flat exactly like a cats, his ears at the same spot where a humans would be, but they were pointy like a cats, his hair was up in viking brades, his fingers he only had three, he had cuts across his face and across his chest.

As soon as he was place in the cell he was cuffed to the wall Evan watched through the bullet proof glass.

"You can go in now doctor," one the the army men sneered
Evan nodded and scanned into the room. His shoe squeaking under his feet and slowly made his way to the creature and  knelt down to look at the creature he was examining his face and cleaning the wounds when the creatures eyes shot open they widened and the creature hissed and tried to bite at Evan but the chain  around his neck prevented him to by shocking him, his nose was scrunched up
"Hey, it's okay," Evan tried to calm him down
The creature just hissed again and Evan noticed the creatures ears flattened
He tried lunging at Evan again and it shocked him stronger this time  he let out a whimper

" what are you doing to him?" Eva. Asked to the glass
"Safety precaution, he's a savage,"  they spoke over the intercom
Evan frowned and turned to the creature again
" I'm just going to help you, okay, I don't want to hurt you," Evan reached out his hand
The creature pushed his way into the wall, but evans hands gently touched his face and wiped the dried blood off his face
The creature opened it mouth and placed a Hand on his chest
"Connor," he said
" your names Connor?"
Connor nodded, evan smiled
"Evan," Evan replied placing a hand on his own chest

Connor nodded  and smiled
"Can I clean your face,"
Connor nodded

It had been a few weeks, Evan walked into the cell and Connor was cut up and bruised
"Oh what happened?" Evan rushed over
And Connor let out a hiss and lunges at him
Evan jumped back
And watched as connors body seized up and fitted slightly as he screamed in pain
Evans rushed to get the neck brace off but got shocked himself
Connor whimpered hard when the shock finally finished
Evan slowly approached Connor who was shaking
"Hey Connor," he whispered " I'm going to get you out of here,"
"H-how," Connor replied
"I'm going to unlock this widow tonight, on my nightly round, and I'll meet you at the edge of the forest," Evan explained quickly
A few hours later Evan comes to connors cell and finds him asleep curled up Evan slowly approaches which connors eyes opened and looked at Evan through  his arms
He lifted his head slightly and Evan undid the cuffs on his wrist and Connor stretched his neck so Evan could get to the collar and undid it when Evan took off the collar he was the red mark that wrapped around connors neck, but before Evan could say anything Connor pounced on Evan hugging him

"Thank you," he whispered his tail swishing back and forth
Evan felt blush creep up his face and hug back
Connor let go
"Evan, Come?" He said
"Yes I'll meet you, at the edge of the forest,"
Connor smiled and got out the window  Evan walked out calmly  and grabbed a mask he needed to breath the pandora air.
He walked to the edge of the forest he jumped when he saw Connor he spots on connors face where luminescent they shone brightly he felt Connor touch three fingers and a thumb  
" this is so I can breathe out here,"
Connor smiled and touched his forehead to the glass they stayed there for a couple minutes then alarms started one of connors arm wrapped around evans waist and shot up the tree Evan, Evan wrapped his arms around Connor.
In seconds they were up in a canopy Connor held onto Evan his arms wrapped around his chest connors head rested on evans. He could hear connors heart beat it was fast he could hear the slight whining noise coming from his throat
"Hey Connor, it's okay, your okay, I won't let you go back,"
Evan touched connors face " you are so, perfect,"
Connor blushed
Evan wrapped his arms around connors chest
" take me home,"
Connor smiled and jumped from the tree grabbing onto the next climbing through the trees eventually finding his home
"Ma,". Connor said
Three other na'vi showed up and growled at Evan
Connor stood in front of Evan
"He saved me,"

It had been a few months Evan loved living in the world but it felt weird
Connor smiled he walked over and hugged him
"My scout found out that the other people are creating us, I could steal one for you,"
"Connor, I don't want you stolen again,"
"I won't be, I'll have my team,"
Evan smiled "okay,"

The next week Connor retrieved the body and brought it to awya
The next time Evan woke up, he was blue
He was still shorter than Connor but he was one of them. He and Connor could live happily forever now.

Treebros (Connor murphy x Evan Hansen) one-shotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang