i'm Done

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Tw: suicide attempt

Connor had the worst day, he was awoken by the fire alarm going off, he then was late to school and finally some stupid jock told him to kill himself
So that's what he was going to do he ran a bath and pulled off his clothes except for his boxers. Please he was going to die he wanted some dignity he sat in it the water hissing at the heat, he was uncomfortable he was too tall for the bath he swung legs around the edge of the bath and grabbed the sharp razor pushing inot his arm deeper than ever before blood pulsated out of his arms staining the bath water a light red his breathing became shallow
"This is it, I'm leaving," he whispered
He was leaving his family would finally be happy, he wouldn't be a menace for them a pain, he would finally be gone,
Connor didn't know how long he had been sitting there hours? Minutes? But he was fading quickly now he couldn't keep his eyes open anymore so he gave into the endless abiss he wasn't gone yet, but he would be very soon
"Zoe murphy where have you been?" Larry asked as Zoe opened the door
" band practice ran late, sorry, my friend evan is coming over to study remember, the one that totally doesn't like Connor at all,"
"Oh well then, is your room clean?"
"Yes dad,"
" well me and your mother are going out tonight i don't think Connor will make anything, just order pizza," Larry nodded grabbing his breif case and walking put of the house with Cynthia by his side. She watched them pull out of the drive way and down the street, she sighed walked upstairs to put her gutair away
"Connir I'm home," she shouted
There wasn't a response it was eerie like a horror movie just before the jump scare there was a light on, the bathroom, why would Connor leave the door open while he was in The bathroom, she felt sick to her stomach.
She crept closer to the door inch by inch
She breathing harsh as if she would find some dark secret
"Connor i swear to God, if i open this door and find you naked and high i will kill you," she threatened
Nothing, she's could only hear the faint sound of tiny droplets hitting the tile
She hesitantly push the door open and let out a blood curling scream her brother was laying in the bath unconscious bleeding from His wrists one arm in the bath staining the water a deep red while the other was dangling over the side of the bath his blood trailing down his hand and making a pool on the white tile
"NO CONNOR NO, I THOUGHT YOU WERE BETTER," she cried and ran to pull him out off the bath she pull and eventually got him out she was on the cool tile only in a pair of boxers shorts
"Fuck Connor no," she muttered grabbing two white anagramed towels pushing them down on connors arms, she grabbed her phone which she had dropped when she saw him
Quickly dialled 9-1-1
"911 what is your emergency,"
" i live at 430 banyan road my brother, he, he's hurt himself badly,"
"Whats the extent of his injury,"
" his wrists, he slit his wrists i found him in the bath,"
" what way did he slit then horizontal or vertical,"
" vertical, I have towels on his arms hasn't stopped bleeding,"
" do you have saran wrap?"
" yes,"
" get that and wrap his arms as tight as you can,"
" okay,"
Zie ran down stairs not caring her clothes were soaked in blood, she grabbed the saran wrap from the cupboard when she heard a knock she ran to he door
" oh evan, things have,"
" Zoe is that blood, is it yours?" Evans asked panicked
" no just m, I need to go, come i need your help,"
Evan nodded sliently and followed Zoe
She ran as fast as she could up the stairs and back to her bleeding out brother
When she came back he was still in the same spot almost paler
"Fuck fuck fuck," she panicked and quickly wrapped the flim round his arms
" i-i did that," she said grabbing the phone
" okay an ambulance is almost there,"
"Okay, thank you,"
Evan stood there in shock
"Oh God," eva. Whispered
Evan kneeled next to Zoe
" Zoe i like him, alot,"
"Hes- he's going to be okay," Zoe whispered
She saw the blood slowing
" HIS BLOOD IS SLOWING," Zoe shouted
"Good, that means that the flim is helping,"
Zoe heard the sirens pulling to a halt outside
"Evan can you,"
Evan nodded running away down the stairs
They rushed connor to the hospital Zoe was in the ambulance with him while Evans walked home, so much for studying.

Treebros (Connor murphy x Evan Hansen) one-shotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant