third day of highschool

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a/n: I'm aware that this ship is quite weird but after watching the movie and reading the book- if Connor and Evan found each other earlier I think they would be friends, END of my rant - here is the first story- as you can tell I can't think of a name for it.....


T.W- descriptions of past self-harm

Connor hated his school he would rather spend that time reading or getting high,

"Connor," his mother rapped her knuckles on his door

" do I have to?" he questioned rolling out of his bed

"Yes, it's your first week back- you know Evan would miss you,"

right Evan, his best and only friend, only his friend nothing else hell they only met on the first day.

he pulled on his black shirt and looked at himself and instantly felt bad about himself

his arms were covered in old and new cuts- scars coating his chest and thighs. he quickly covered his entire body with a zip-up black hoodie and black ripped jeans, he ran his fingers through his hair and sighed

"CONNOR I'M GOING TO LEAVE WITHOUT YOU," his younger sister shouted

Connor quickly grabbed his messenger bag, which had a few pins on it and rush out of his room

"Jesus calm down Zoe,"

"fucking hell, you look like shit," she muttered

"you don't look better yourself,"

Connor put in his headphones and his play on his playlist, the drive was silent and when they pull up Connor didn't wait until the car was at a complete stop

he stumbled into the school receiving glares. he glared back at them and eventually reached his locker Connor was preoccupied with shoving his random books into his locker he didn't hear Evan walking up behind him and say his name, he only felt someone poke him on the shoulder

he quickly turned and was ready to shout at whoever it was until he saw the smaller boy in the blue polo and beige khakis, he quickly pulled his headphones out,

"oh hi Hansen," Connor mumbled

"are you okay?"

"Hmm, oh yeah I am just tired," Connor shrugged

"oh, okay," he shoved his hands in his pockets

"I'm fine really Evan, you don't need to worry about me,"


"Anyway, how are you?"

"good, I'm alright, I was wondering though,"

Connor nodded and turned

" are you going to sit with us today?"

"are you sure you want me to you know, I'm the freak of the school- the druggy, the school fucking shooter I'm just going to be a downer and I can't believe you're even speaking to me now," Connor abruptly stopped when he felt himself get pulled close to Evan and pulled into a hug

"stop, talking like that, you may have some cracks but everyone does, some have more than others, you- your actually nice and sweet," Evan whispered

Connor smiled softly "I'll try,"

little did they know one of the jocks were watching them

"let's go to class,"

Connor smiled a soft blush coating his face. the class was slow. Connor was so tempted to skip but that meant a call to his house and another fight, he loved his parents well his mother larry wasn't there emotionally and always took his sister's side with fights, he was already into a fight when he got home,

he finally raised his hand decided to skip the rest of class he walked into the bathroom and washed his face he looked at himself

"oh, murphy,"

Connor turned and was greeted with josh, a jock

"what not even going to say hi,"

"I don't see why it's important,"

"you seemed close to that freak,"

that got Connor's attention "say that again and I'll kill you,"

"you both are freaks, just two freaks, meant for each other,"

that's when Connor swung and his arm was grabbed before impact

he was shoved into one of the sinks and his ribs groaned out Connor through his other fist and it landed on the jocks face and he got let go, he made his way out of the bathroom and as he was grabbed and thrown into a locker Connor let out a groan

"you think you're worthy of Evan, you think he likes you, you know what I think, I think he just pities you,"

"shut up," Connor shouted and punched josh

josh released on hand and punched Connor square on the nose, three times and then threw him to the ground.

Connor's head rolled back as he was picked back up

"you are just some druggy, your probably gonna end up in some ditch, you're never going to be happy, you fag,"

Connor glanced over and saw Evan who was standing in shock he saw Evan was fidgeting with his cast

"just so you know, a teacher is on their way so you better let go," Evan stuttered out

the jocks face paled and he shoved Connor to the ground with a thud, he groaned

"oh god Connor," Evan panicked and kneeled next to the boy

"Are you okay?"

Connor let out a groan in response

Evan quickly pulled Connor to his feet

"Oh god, I'm taking you to my house, I've got plenty of first ade stuff,"

"Evan c..calm down, I'm fone,"

"well I'm glad your 'fone'"

Connor was looking right at Evan "you know my mum would kiss my wounds better,"

Connor didn't know why he said that he froze while being held up by Evan

"do you- I mean sure,"

Evan gently kissed Connors cheek and forehead and then they were staring at each other

"I mean your lips look sore,"

"I mean I have a split lip, fuck it,"

Connor pushed his lips onto Evans

after they pulled back

"boyfriends?" Connor smiled

"y-yeah i-i would l-like that,"

"this weekend, I'm taking you somewhere,"

"right- lets take you to my home, to get you fixed up,"

Connor nodded and smiled to himself.

Treebros (Connor murphy x Evan Hansen) one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now