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HEY omg this has reads that's crazy! If you made it to the end THANK YOU SO MUCH. i kinda rushed writing this so the fact that anyone likes it is like ???omg?????

Anyway I'll be going back and editing more (and putting more accurate publish dates because I'm 90% sure i have the wrong ones) maybe adding to the chapters or changing small details. This is kind of a rushed story and usually I'm more of a enemies to lovers kind of chick.

I'm also considering writing another stiles or Dylan x OC story? If you're interested, please let me know!
I love writing, I've just learned i do better if
1. I have people interested
2. Write it all before publishing.

Currently working on the epilogue, it's just a bit tricky because honestly I've got writers block for it. I've written and re written and changed the idea for it so many times. I just keep going back and forth about ideas i have. It will be out eventually. 🤣

That being said, don't be a quiet reader! Please tell me your likes dislikes feelings as you read. 😘 xoxo

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