𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢 𝙵𝚘𝚞𝚛

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I sat cross-legged on the bathroom counter, getting ready for the dance. Malia was on my bed, and Lydia was right next to me. "Stiles is gonna lose his shit," Lydia said, smirking as she applied mascara. "He better. That dress was not cheap," I retorted, recalling the stunning gown hanging in my closet. I pulled my blond hair out of the French braids I had slept with, letting it fall into bouncy beach waves cascading over my shoulders. I gathered some of it back and fashioned a pretty bun, leaving a few strands to frame my face. With that done, I began applying a light layer of concealer and foundation, just enough to hide any blemishes and the cut on my forehead from my fight with Danielle.

"Just think, after tonight, it's one month until we're done, and a week after that, we graduate," Malia remarked, amazed at how quickly time was passing. I couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia. "Don't make me think about that. Then Stiles goes off to his FBI internship, and I'm gonna be sad," I pouted, causing Lydia to furrow her brows. "What? Weren't you accepted to a school near there?" she asked. I nodded, biting my lip and pausing from applying my eyeshadow. "Yeah, I was accepted to three different schools. Obviously, I can go to the one near Stiles, but I also have the options of a school in New Hampshire and one in Seattle," I frowned, looking down at my palette.

I leaned towards the school near Stiles' internship, but the allure of Seattle was also intriguing. "What do they each offer?" Malia asked as she finished her own makeup. I continued applying my eyeshadow, opting for a neutral smokey eye. "Seattle offers a wide range of possibilities for my career, from being a regular everyday teacher to specializing in specific areas like music, acting, and dance. On the other hand, New Hampshire offers a more comfortable environment with a stunning view. Virginia offers the advantage of being close to Stiles, but I'm not particularly drawn to the campus," I explained, carefully applying my winged eyeliner, making it thin but slightly elongated.

Malia made a valid point. "Wouldn't you and Stiles get an apartment together? You wouldn't be on campus all the time," she pointed out while fixing her own bouncy curls. "Most likely, but I would still need my car. Stiles is giving Roscoe to Scott for the time being," I replied, shrugging. I finished off my makeup with a touch of lipstick and mascara.

Lydia chimed in with her opinion. "I think you should go with Virginia. You and Stiles have something special," she suggested. I hopped off the counter and began getting dressed, peeling off my tank top and sweats. I replaced my underwear with lacy cheekster panties and discarded my bra entirely. Slipping into my dress and nude stiletto heels, I took a moment to admire myself in the mirror, satisfied with the final result.

"Oh my god, you look incredible!" Malia exclaimed, walking towards me in her own dark blue dress and matching heels. I grinned, looking her over. "I do? Look at both of you!" I said, glancing between the two girls.

They looked absolutely gorgeous, and it was an incredible sight. "The guys should be here any minute," Lydia said with a smile, grabbing her bag. Malia and I followed suit, grabbing our own bags as we made our way downstairs. Nana greeted us with excitement and love shining in her eyes. "Photos!" she giggled, pulling out a disposable film camera. The three of us struck a few goofy poses and a couple of more serious ones before we heard a knock on the door. "I'll get it," Malia called out, walking towards the front door.

"Oh, Button, I'm so happy you and Stiles are together. It took you long enough. I'm going to need photos of just the two of you too," Nana said with excitement. I chuckled and nodded, "Of course, Nana. I couldn't go to this dance without getting a couple of photos with my boyfriend," I smirked, causing her smile to widen at the mention of Stiles. Nana hurried over to Stiles and Scott, giving Scott a short, loving hug before enveloping Stiles in a longer and more affectionate embrace. "There's my favorite grandson-in-law," she spoke sweetly, pinching Stiles' cheek lightly. "Photos of everyone, then just Button with the boys. And then just Button and Stiles," Nana instructed, shooing us into position.

We followed her instructions, taking group photos first, and then I found myself lifted by the boys for a fun shot. Little did I know that it would become one of my favorites.

But my expectations quickly changed when I heard the unmistakable click of a camera as soon as Stiles' smiling lips met mine. I pulled back, gasping playfully. "Nana! Did you just take a photo of us kissing?!" I scolded, pretending to be shocked. "Yes, of course! I've wanted you two together for years. Let me have this. Now, a photo of Stiles kissing Button's cheek, and vice versa," she declared, making me roll my eyes with a smile. Just as Stiles pressed his lips to my cheek, a soft click filled the room, capturing the sweet moment.

We finished taking our photos and bid farewell to Nana before making our way to the dance. As soon as we walked in, I couldn't help but gasp in surprise at the elegance and beauty of the venue. "This is quite surprising for a high school dance," I murmured, taking in the stunning decor. "It's beautiful!" Lydia exclaimed, immediately dragging Malia away from Scott to hit the dance floor. "Boys, I think it's time to eat," I declared, pointing towards the full buffet-style selection of food. "Amen," Scott agreed, and we made our way over, grabbing plates and filling them with delicious treats.

I happily indulged in the slider burgers that were set out, emitting a satisfied moan. "Sometimes I think you love food more than me," Stiles joked, earning a playful look from me. "Sometimes I think you're right," I teased back, balancing my plate with a small serving of salad and a tiny cupcake. We found a table and settled down. "So, I was thinking, maybe we should start looking into apartments," Stiles said with a smile. I couldn't help but mirror his smile. "Maybe we should," I agreed, placing my fork down.

The dance itself was, for the most part, fairly uneventful for me. I had never been a big fan of dances, which is why I usually didn't attend. "Dance with me?" Stiles asked, standing beside my chair. I looked up from my phone to see him smiling softly, his hair adorably disheveled from running his hands through it so much. His tie was slightly crooked, and his hand was extended, waiting for mine. I bit my lip, considering his request. Dancing wasn't my favorite activity, but my boyfriend was way too cute to resist. "Sure," I relented, standing up and accepting his hand. Before we started moving, I paused, straightening his tie. "How did you manage to mess up your tie, silly?" I giggled, looking up into his soft honey-brown eyes.

He intertwined his fingers with mine, leading me onto the dance floor. "Scott and I were just joking around in the field, passing a lacrosse ball like old times," he explained, a contented smile playing on his lips. I turned to face him, and he placed his hands on my hips, pulling me closer before wrapping his arms around my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and we began swaying slowly to the music. "I look forward to our future, Stiles," I said, gazing at him with admiration. "Me too. After all, you're my future wife," he replied with a smirk, referencing my grandmother's constant insistence that we would get married someday. I laughed, shaking my head slightly, although my heart raced happily at the thought. "I look forward to that too, but let's enjoy being teenagers right now," I winked, making him laugh and nod in agreement.

"Fair enough," he replied, taking my hand and twirling me out gracefully. He twirled me back in and dipped me lightly, his lips meeting mine in a sweet kiss. My eyes closed, and I moved my hand to his cheek, my leg slightly lifting in the moment. It felt so cheesy, like something out of a movie, but I couldn't help but smile. He lifted me back up, never breaking our kiss. I couldn't contain my happiness. How could one person make me feel like this? How could they have such control over my emotions? Stiles was undeniably romantic and cheesy, and I was head over heels in love with him.

Written 1/14/23
Editing started 4/6/23

𝙷𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚢 𝚆𝚑𝚒𝚜𝚔𝚎𝚢 𝙴𝚢𝚎𝚜 - 𝚂𝚝𝚒𝚕𝚎𝚜 𝚂𝚝𝚒𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚔𝚒 𝚇 𝙾𝙲Where stories live. Discover now