Years Later

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A/N: This is somewhat inspired by the teen wolf movie, however, keep in mind, its an epilogue lol which means action scenes are nonexistent, it's about their future, not the fighting.

"Chemistry can surprise you; many things can transform into others. For example, who knows what food you could make using plastic gloves?" I asked as I wrote on the chalkboard. I turned to look at my students, a slight frown forming on my face. "Come on, guys. This is simple stuff," I sighed, repositioning myself to face them. I walked up to my desk and placed my hands on it, feeling a sense of weariness.

"Is this going to be on the midterm?" Eli Hale called out from the back. Right, Hale, Derek Hale's son. "Eli, assume that everything I teach you will be on the midterm," I replied, letting out another sigh and rubbing my forehead. "Does anyone have a guess?" I asked, scanning the faces of my students. They were no different from me when I was their age—struggling to grasp the concepts.

A girl with black hair raised her hand, and I felt a wave of relief. "Gretta?" I said, pointing towards her. "Cereal?" she questioned, sounding unsure of her answer. "Good guess, but no. Not even close. It's hot sauce. And I know many of you love hot sauce." Just then, the bell rang, and students began to pack up.

Thank goodness this was the last period. "Don't forget to drop off your homework on the way out. On Monday, I expect all of you to have studied and be ready for my class," I reminded them, turning to wipe my board clean. "Ms. Morgan, I was wondering if I could get my assignments for Monday? I won't be here due to an appointment," a short girl said, fidgeting with her textbook. "Oh, Mia! Yes, of course. Your mom called me this morning to let me know," I chuckled, turning back to my desk and opening the bottom drawer.

"I expect you to let me know that everything is okay, Ms. Vahn. Your mother explained a bit about what is happening," I said as I pulled out the large orange envelope with "Mia Vahn" written on the back. I closed the drawer and handed it to her, a smile adorning my face. "Yeah, this illness was sudden. Thank you, Ms. Morgan. See you on Tuesday!" she grinned, placing the envelope in her textbook. "Good luck, Mia. See you on Tuesday," I replied as she left the classroom. I sighed, turning back to my board and continuing to wipe off the day's curriculum.

I am 30 years old and a teacher at none other than Beacon Hills, the school I had hoped to never return to. Yet, oddly enough, I love it here. I love my job, I love the students, and luckily, things have been normal since I moved back. "Well, well, well. Steph Morgan, a high school chemistry teacher at Beacon Hills. Do my eyes deceive me?" a voice spoke from the doorway of my classroom, startling me. And it wasn't just any voice. I turned my head towards it and gasped. Leaning against the doorframe was none other than Scott McCall. "Scott?! What are you doing here? Oh my god," I spoke quickly, running up to him and dropping my chalkboard eraser.

My arms flew around his neck, hugging him tightly, while his arms wrapped around my waist. "Long story, I'll fill you in. How are you?" he mumbled as he hugged me. "I'm good. Happy, I think? Sort of?" I said, questioning my life choices, feeling a few pangs of regret in my chest. "You think? Does this have to do with..." I nodded as we pulled apart, looking down at my Converse shoes. "What happened with you two, anyway? Stiles won't tell me," Scott frowned. "A story for another time. Tell me why you're here?" I said as I picked up my eraser and placed it back where it belonged, before sitting on my desk and crossing my legs.

"Well, long story short, something is going on in Beacon Hills. I need your help..." He went on to explain, and I felt my heart begin to race. Would that mean Stiles is back from Virginia? I haven't seen him since our breakup. I gulped and looked down at my feet, contemplating the situation. "Are you sure it's Allison?" I muttered, looking back up to meet Scott's eyes. "Positive," he nodded, a look of worry in his eyes.

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