I have been working for a while now, and I am almost done with my paperwork, so I decided to wake up Catie, and while she was getting ready, I started on breakfast. I made breakfast burritos and called for Catie to come eat.

Caitlin's pov
Time 4:45

I woke up to someone shaking my shoulder, and I could faintly hear my name being called "Caitlin, Caitlin it's time to get up for school, baby." I opened my eyes and saw dad sitting beside me. I sat up and hugged him, and he kissed me on the head and said,"Get ready for school. While I go, make breakfast."Ok," I said before yawning. We both got up, and dad walked out to make breakfast, and I walked to my closet and got my clothes. I walked to the bathroom and got a quick shower, and changed into my clothes. I finished getting ready, grabbed all my stuff, then walked into the kitchen. We sat down to eat our breakfast burritos and had our usual morning conversation. "So do y'all have a case yet." No, not yet." So what are you doing," I'm done with all my paperwork so I will probably go on patrol if I do I probably won't be able to pick you up so you will have to walk," Ok I will walk to the district after school." We finished eating and got in the car to go to school.

Time skip After School

I did my normal school routine, went to my first few classes, had lunch with Eva, and then went to my last few classes. I am now on my way to the district it's not that far from my school, so dad let's me walk sometimes as long as I have my phone. I know every way to get to the district along with my house, and dad is still teaching me how to get to Uncle Will's house. The first couple of weeks before he started letting me walk home from school alone, he would walk to my school from wherever he was originally. The first place he taught me was the short way to get to the district because that is where I normally go after school. He would walked from the district then when he picked me up we walked back and when he thought I had walked it enough to remember he let me lead the way with a little guidance till I figured it out. I'm about to cross the street, so I wait for the traffic to clear and then look both ways twice before crossing. When I get to the middle of the street, a red car comes speeding down the street and hits me. It threw me a couple of feet away as soon as I hit the ground. I gasped in the breath the car just knocked out of me. People are gathered around me, and I'm freaked out a couple of minutes later, I hear sirens.

Kelly's pov

We just got a call about a kid getting hit by a car and the car running into a fire hydrant, so we are headed to the scene. When we get there, Stella and Sylvie walk over to help the kid, and we go to see the damage on the car. Before I even get to the car, Stella is calling me over. When I get there, I see Caitlin trying to sit up. I'm quick to hold her down as I say, "No, no, no Catie, you don't need to move ok." She cries out a little and whimpers, "Hurts Kelly," "I know, but you need to stay still." Stella puts on a C-collor, and we strap her to the backboard. I helped load her into the back of the ambulance, and then I checked to see that they were all done with the car, so I hoped into the ambulance with Catie. I called Jay and told him what had happened.

Connor's pov

"Connor trauma bay 4." I hear Maggie yell, and I rush over."What have we got," I ask. "Caitlin Halstead 13 year old female. She was hit by a car on her way home from school. She is conscious and in a lot of pain." Stella says as we walk into trauma bay 4. Once we get her all set up on the new gurney, I start working on her. I go through all the normal steps and quickly realize she needs surgery, so I rush her into the OR, and we get prepped for surgery.

Jay's pov

Caitlin has been in surgery for two hours, and I still have not heard anything. Just as I'm about to begin my search for Will for the 20th time in the last hour, Connor walks out. I quickly stand and walk over, and he says, "She sustaned multiple fractures, internal injuries, and severe bruising. We had to do emergency surgery on internal injuries. But she is fine now and is resting. You are welcome to go see her." I follow him into the room Caitlin's in and she looks up at me and smiles, "Daddy," She whispered and opened her arms as much as she could without hurting herself and silently asked for a hug. I walked over and carefully wrapped my arms around her and hugged her. I gave her a kiss on the head and then sat in the chair beside her and held her hand, and she fell asleep with me following shortly after.

A/n lilylea123, let me know what you think.

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