Chapter 7 - The plan's execution

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The brothers and April spent about a week to set up a rescue plan to save their little brother, and once the time was right, they just went into action, the plan was simple, the scientist Baron Draxum leaves his evil lair with their brother about 3 times a week, so they had to act out when they're unprepared, they've got to distract the Baron and lure him or attrack him out of his lair for long enough for one of them to go infiltrate the base and save the little guy and destroy the awful place from the inside.

Raph was still uncertain of how powerful that Draxum guy would really be, but he had to carry on with the plan, if this guy is as bad and terrible as he seems to be or as they were told he is by the other mutants, then he can't even imagine what sort of cruel and heartless monster he must be to their brother, Raph thought about the idea of telling their father about what had happened and what they discovered, but Leo somehow managed to talk him into keeping it a secret to surprise their father with their brand new baby brother, Raph is no dummy and knows he's just trying to avoid getting snitched for releasing mutating buts all across NY, but this was a lot to dump on their father so he ended up complying.

Donnie was honestly a bit curious to find out more about his new brother, "What is his name?", "What kind of turtle is he?", "How old exactly is he?", "Is he smart like him or more of a dumb-dumb like his other brothers?", "Is he a good fighter?", "What are his hobbies or quirks?", many questions like these kept bubbling up in his mind as he prepared for the upcoming mission, getting some of his regular gear like his Battle Shell, his Tech bō but he also got himself some explosives and capturing items like chains and nets.

As the Mad Dogz head out of their sewer Lair, we go back to see what is going on with Draxum's family, Michael is rocking himself with Huggin and Muginn trying to calm him down, Baron Draxum was working on a brand new invention that he soon handed to his son as a gift, 2 bracelets, similar to his cuffs and collar, he wears them on top of his arms near his shoulders, they are meant for self defense, one can be charged with any fluid to be shot/sprayed at the enemy, it can be things like chemicals, poison, pepper spray or even acid, while the other lauches a firework like projectile to indicate his location in case of danger, Michael falls in love with his new gadgets and feels way more safer with the new upgrades.

The enthusiasm coming from his son makes a soft smile blossom on Draxum's face, his henchmen are quick to call him out on it and slightly mock him about it, Draxum immediately made a face that pratically wrote down what he was thinking, like: "Dang it, this kid really does make me a softie, doesn't he?", Michael notices the situation and decides to tease his papa by making cute puppy eyes and asking for attention and affection, which Draxum quickly has his heart melted and holds his son with a warm and tight hug, only realizing what had just happened after hearing Michael's little sinister giggle, pushing himself away to see the smug expression on his son's face.

🟠 - "I win."

Said the mischievous turtle with a small and snarky grin, the realization striked Draxum like an Arrow, this little boy had his father's heart wrapped around his fingers, and he knew just how to play him around like a fool.

🔮 - "Well, you might have, but now you're grounded."

🟠 - "H-HAH!?!"

The sudden punishment caught Michael by surprise, but instead of arguing about it, he just pouted like a child, crossing his arms and crouching on the chair he was sitting, Draxum let out a little laughter of triumph and proceeded to show off his victory to mock his son back, he was the big and powerful adult and he was the young and naive child, Michael tried to correct him by saying he is actually a teenager, but Draxum shoots it down by disregarding the value of such title since it's just a human label that supposedly gave the young adults a role of a grown up but with "no actual responsibilities", also adding that this kind of demographic is irrelevant to beings like them because Yokai age differently than humans and there was also some cultural differences to consider, and mutants are supposed to age considerably different from Humans as well, this talk mostly just bored Michael who has heard all of this before throughout his life.

The two are discussing their plans on what to do about the mutation bugs until they hear a loud noise coming from the outside of their home, Michael prepares for a fight to break loose but Draxum holds him back, he's not sure who or what is outside, so he will go first to make sure of what is going on out there, Michael was a bit irritated by this but he knows his manners and just runs and hides while his dad takes care of the sittuation, Baron Draxum puts on his helmet and armor and leaves his base, he sees two familiar looking turtles along with a human girl, all holding weapons and causing a mayhem, he tries to reason with them, but they simply ignore it and jump into a fight, Draxum can take them on his own but despite some complications he doesn't call for his son.

Meanwhile, Donatello finds a way inside the building and begins the search for the fourth turtle mutant, it takes little to no time to find him since he just jumps at him with a spear trying to take him down, Michael realized that his father was taking too long to come back and even longer to take care of the issue so he left his position and was on his way outside before bumping into the "cyborg that broke into his house", Donnie panics with the hyper violent approach and quickly captures him with a tech-net, Michael even tried to break free but the net released a sedative that knocked him out quickly, Donnie realized what he'd done right away once he saw that the enemy was also a turtle, having not much of a choice or time to think about it he just grabbed his brother and carried him away, turning his Battle Shell into a flying vehicle and used it to fly away from there as fast as possible, dropping a ton of bombs and explosives inside the building.

After Leo, Raph and April got the voice message that the mission was a success, they immediately retreated the fight and scaped, Draxum was able to hear the message and saw the third turtle fleeing his lab with his captured son, he ran after them and did all he could to try and reach them or get Michael back but all his efforts failed and the Mad Dogz disappeared from his sight, losing them and consequently his own son, rain started pouring from the sky and he fell on his knees and hands, tired, scared and frustrated with what had just happened.

He looked up with bloody eyes, he cursed those turtles, cursed them like he never swore before, a boiling rage ran through his blood as he returned to his base, trying to overcome his anger to think of a plan, just to watch his home explode before his very eyes, it took mere seconds to destroy the sweet home he shared with his son for so many years, the sadness and sorrow mixed with anger and frustration boiled through his blood and tears for a combination that would most certainly result with the impending doom of those filthy creatures, he raised his fist and vowed to save his son and show those degenerate beasts the fury of Baron Draxum, promising to release hell upon them for what they've done.

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