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Teachers POV:

Silent was in the room after they just watched Izuku get out of the house and everything he did. Nothing could be said about it. The truth was, they were afraid of what their student has became and seeing that he was behaving more and more like a villain was quite dangerous as well. Still there was this one rule which Nezu abided. He made the rules not to interfere with the excercise no matter what and who would they be if they couldn't even obey the rules. Something inside the rat told himself that if he would break the rules, there would be nothing stopping Izuku from breaking them as well. This was the main reason why he was stopping anyone from leaving the observation room.

Mic: You can't be serious!

Vlad: He just- NEZU we need to stop him!

Nezu: No.

Vlad: Our class is suffering!

Mic: My class is not even a hero class! They will not face this well!

Hound Dog: I agree with this. 

Nezu: It is still a no.

Aizawa: Why?

Nezu: Because there are rules for this.

Ectoplasm: By now he went past the rules!

Cementoss: But he never broke them, did he?

Thirteen: You kidding me?

Cementoss: No. I mean it.

Thirteen: How did he not break them!

Midnight: No matter what, he is doing damage to the other kids!

All Might: He is playing his role to the best.

Mic: This is not a matter of roles anymore.

All Might: What did you expect from Midoriya? WE basically threw him inside and told him to be a villain. He is doing exactly what he is told.

Aizawa: *sigh* I agree with that.

Vlad: Only because he still didn't go after your class.

Aizawa: You think he will be more lenient with his classmates? I highly doubt that.

Vlad: come on! How are you not scared and afraid for your class?

Aizawa: They gotta deal with that.

Hound Dog: They are too young for that!

Mic: And what you wanna tell my class? It's the goddamn gen ed course! He backstabbed them as if they were not even in his team.

Midnight: I don't like this!

RG: Someone bring me everyone he injured.

HoundDog: Agree with that. 

PowerLoader: Nezu... why are so against of pulling the kids out?

Nezu: Think about the situation.

Midnight: Ah noo.. not that kind of bullshit again.

Thirteen: Agree here. Our minds don't work like yours!

Nezu: Alright then let me put it very very simply. What do you think would happen if we break our own rules?

Hound Dog: We would save the kids.

Cementoss: I think he means consequences wise.

Ectoplasm: We made the rules so there are no consequences.

Aizawa: *sgh*

Mic: But if we make them and break them why did we make then then?

Nezu: That is a valid point now think about it a bit differently.

RG: Why should people obey if we don't obey the rules. Are you trying to say that?

Nezu: Exactly.

Mic: Wait! You telling me that if we break it Midoriya will break it as well?

Thirteen: He might and I don't want to know what happens if he does....

Cementoss: He is obeying the rules for now and doing that! SHIT! What will he if he breaks the rules then?

The moment this was said out loud, it was done for everyone. The thing about this whole problem was that no matter how you looked at it, Izuku was demonstarting them horrible things that are even done in a murderous intend yet not harming them in any lethal way. This was the whole point and the more one thought about it the more shivers would run down their spines. Just one look at Izuku's perfomance and his quirk was telling everything that had to be said. He was indeed more than capable of turning this excercise into a funeral and a graveyard at the same time. Of course no one of the teachers wanted that and as much as it would hurt them to just leave them be like that, they had no other choice or they would have endangered the kids even more.

Vlad: I hope this is the right thing to do.

Mic: Do we have another choice?

RG: Breaking up this horrible excercise!

Nezu: Enlighten me how you want to manage that?

HoundDog: Announce the end!

Midnight: I don't think Midoriya might actually listen to it...

Thirteen: Yeah and what stops him from not just going at the rest full force after we announce it?

There were just too many questions and to many ifs with horrible if not even horrendous outcomes that it would be much safer to just watch this show and be prepared for the worst. They may all be heroes but there was nothing that prepared the people in the observation room from this and they would for sure don't want to be responsible for the birth of a new villain that could even surpase All for One. This was what their ind told them at least from seeing what he could do within the boundaries now without boundaries the whole thing would look soo much worse.

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