The end and a new beginning!

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All Might: For this excercise you all will be staying here until the villain is caught or all heroes are eliminated.

Which means days!


Are you insane?

Do you want us to get all sick?


And what's with the eliminated part?

As I started to wonder how much I had to do to get a person eliminated various scenarious started to play out in my head. For example I knew that the weapons were not leathal but that still didn't stop me from thinking about other methods like breaking bones or actually giving them some trauma.

I had enough experience thanks to Kacchan anyways. So I could be rather creative from what I learned thanks to him. However was I allowed to do that? As long as I wouldn't kill them it would be in the rules from what I did hear previously. The only question was if the teacher would also let it go through.

Wait a moment!

They said something along the line of until...

If I make this go on for days.....

How do we get our food or water?

What about a nice warm bath?

They don't intend on letting us down here forever right?

Also what happens if the class decides not to participate?

Is this why he said until?

Is it because sooner or later someone would turn against you?

Oh shit...

Now that I think about it... I could get in soo much trouble just by trying to prolong the game!

All Might: A person is eliminated if you strike a vital point. Your unifroms were modifided so they turn red completly when a person is eliminated. As such you will be unable to move at all.

Oh okay...

At least I don't have to refight them or make them silent in any way...

But what about the civilians?!

Do they wear anything special as well?

Can they snitch?

Before that they need proof of me being the villain and dead people don't talk normally.

Me: ARG! Why are there soo many possibilites?

I couldn't stop thinking about what could be the case and All Might wasn't about to get more specific which was bothering me as well. It seriously was just bothersome and annoying not to know any details. If at least I could ask someone like Aizawa about the rules then I wouldn't be so restless but oh well since there was no chance I could ask someone, I had to accept what I got.

All Might: Now if you were wondering what to do if you get hurt or you need a rest or even some supplies. There are stores all around the city. The villain is allowed to steal from these stores as it is his role to act like a villain.


The hell!

His role he said...

Now everyone knows that the villain isn't a girl.

That means thinking about who it can be will be easier once they all found each other!

Oh how great this is!

What an idiot!

Can't even stop his stupid mouth in time to give information out.

Whelp maybe the others didn't pick that up...

Oh who am I kidding Kacchan for sure picked it up.

Even Shoto will be able to pick it up.

Guess I have to quickly make a plan to act!

All Might: Now Good Luck surviving!

Me: What is that supposed to mean?!

At the end of the speech I had to say I had soo much more questions in my head than before but the main point was that I actually was confused about the last statement which was definitelly directed at me. Was I angry about that? Yes. Was I about to show them that no one should kid around with me? Why of course I was about to do that!!! How foolish to even question me!



What do I do first?

After everything ended I went away from the window and sat down on the floor for a bit but it was too cold for me to stay there so I inevitably just got to the rooftop which by the way wasn't that easy cause it turns out that they locked me into a room and the only way out was smashing the door open or jumping out the window.

BOTH are ridiculous ways of getting out without being suspicious and loud or not get hurt!

So I decided to use the knife to pray the door open without even hurting myself nor using my quirk. It was not yet time for this and I for sure didn't wanted to break any bones at all. At least not yet.

A nice Christmas present... call it PTSD... call it simply a war game!Where stories live. Discover now