What a villainous and perfect plan!

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Shinso's POV: 

I really couldn't believe what Izuku just told us to do. It was barely possible to even say a hero in training would come up with such a plan. It sounded perfect for a villain but not for a student that is supposed to become the societies next hero. It just felt wrong for me to listen to it but then again... who was I to judge?

Can't believe that he is called the cinnamon roll of UA....

Yeah no way in hell is he the cinnamon roll anymore.

I would refer to SINNAMON roll.... 

Jesus is he even clear about what he just suggested us to do?

I don't think he grasped the situation and I would have liked to tell him that but I am scared.

Who knows what he will do if anyone says something against it.

That damn smile is still creeping me out.

Even if I wanted to use my quirk on him.... I would be to scared of the consequences.

Like what the fuck!

What if he refuses to talk?

What if he actually picks up on it.....?

Damn I would be dead for sure.

I don't want to face that for sure. 

From a certain point of view, looking at the proposed plan was genius. Midoriya really just proposed to actually split up and then get into a small kindergarten and make it a hostage situation. I mean my class was insane for thinking to get into a heroes headquarters to do that but a kindergarten sounded just cruel. I don't get where that idea came from but I had to admit it, the idea was really good. 

Not only were kids that age pretty much useless and couldn't attack but the emotional damage he could create including the value in the sociaty was enormous. Of course heroes ould flock over in a hurry to actually get the kids out because children were our future after all. It was really scary to know that Izuku was thinking that way as a villain.  Besides kids that age couldn't reallz resist or fight us besides being scared and then frozen in place for it.

Anyways, my role was to actually get to the place and use my quirk on the people inside. I mean there are no people besides small robots around so it was basically useless. However Izuku send me here for a specific reason and little did I know that it was actually something else. Besides that I was not alone and ad turtle with me.

Turtle: Say why you think he told us to get in here and then just lock everyone in a room and then force them to be at the windows?

Me: I would be more concerned about how he thought about this.

Turtle: What you mean?

Me: If this would be real we would have kids at the window shielding us from any attack done by the heroes. It's just frightening thinking about it.

Turtle: Oh shit.... I haven't thought this way.

Me: I just don't know why we are here...

Turtle: You mean why he send us two instead of Wolf or Tiger?

Me: Yeah....

Realistically speaking any other person besides me and Turlte were a better match for this job of watching since we both had a mental quirk. I could quite literally brainwash people for a bit and then there was Turtle which could create illusions. It was definitely no joke but in my opinion Hyena or Tiger would be better. Hyena had a weak telekinesis quirk. He could literally be a small poltergeist if he wanted and usually always had some kind of fork or knife or even spoon with him to have something too boost around and also protect himself. He would be the best for being here and having soo many small things up in the air. Wolf has an enhancement quirk and in his case it's his senses. He could hear a lot better than other while Tiger had quite the agility and strength.

Turtle: But then why were we here? All he wanted us to do is this.... and we even had to move them cause they are not doing anything else but screaming....

Me: I don't get it as well.

Turtle: Also don't you think we are too little people?

Me: I know right. It's just us here.

Turtle: I think Usagi will be around here as well.

Me: Pretty sure he already is.

Turtle: Lioness is also calling the heroes soo they should be around here soon... Gosh this is kinda boring.

Me: Just wait for it.

Turtle: But what are we supposed to do when they get here?

Me: Fight with what we got I think....

The moment I said that the door slowly creeked open to the room we were in and it was Izuku who was standing there leaning against the frame looking at us. He still had this insane smile on his face which creeps me out soo much but there was nothing I could do about it.

Usagi: So how are things going on around here?

Me: We got everything done.

Usagi: Good. Hey Turtle make a small illusion when the heroes come into the room. Make sure Panther and everyone here looks like me. Panther I want you to command them to fight each other. They should eliminate each other first. 

It was only now that I finally got why he chose us two. His plan was definitelly quite complexe and from the heroes point of view... no one would see this coming. If Turtle makes me look like Izuku and Izuku is also in the room people will be quite confused. Besides he also said everyone which means the robots as well. He was about to drive the heroes which will come in crazy and fight them one by one. My own role was to make sure they would not get towards Izuku all at once and it was obvious that he meant that. 

No matter how I looked at it, it was definitelly one hell of an idea and perfect for my class and a bunch of people who never in their life actually had any fighting lessons besides the hell of a class Izuku got us through the past 3 days. I could at least now say that I knew some pretty good self-defense skills and if he was using this tactic more than once it made sense why we needed self defense skills in case they attack us instead of reacting to my quirk. Everything was possible after all.

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