Chapter 16: Caged

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Author's note: Heyyyyy everyone of you lovely people who are reading this how are you today?
Anyway, never stop voting and commenting and please follow me😄
Also, don't be afraid to personally message me, I will reply to all of you guys.
Seriously, I like talking to people who look up to me.
Thanks and enjoy the chapter!
Lady Elithina left Aranya alone there, in her cage, in the middle of the night.
There were no more humans walking through the streets. Only a few glistening lights in some of the houses.
Aranya was hungry, thirsty, and cold.
No weapons, no savior, nothing.
She sat in the corner of her cage and brought her knees up to her face and hugged them.
She heard people laughing.
Children talking about playdates.
It went silent for a moment, when Aranya shut her eyes.
Tauriel couldn't see anything.
She didn't bring any lamps or torches.
But still, she kept on running.
Passing through the dark forest.
The moon wasn't giving Tauriel any light at all.
She ran, quickly and swift, like nothing was in her way.
Nobody to stop her.
Tauriel had to find Aranya.
Legolas swore he kept on hearing sounds.
It was either behind him, ahead of him, or right by his side.
He kept on running.
His legs never ached.
Legolas had a feeling that his sister is in danger.
The leaves of the trees hit Legolas' face every once and a while.
But he never took it as an obstacle.
Elithina sat down in her chair.
"Get me some wine," she orders.
"There is no wine left, my lady." her servant said, beside her.
"And why is that?" Elithina asked.
"Gold shortage, mistress." the servant politely answered.
Elithina signaled for her servant to leave. And so he did.
She stood up from her chair and looked out the window that was directly above Aranya's cage.
"Filthy peasant, will pay for what she planned." Elithina whispered to herself.
And with that she walked out.
King Thranduil stood up instantly.
"Make every single guard in Mirkwood look for them! And do not rest until you find all four!" The king shouted.
The guard nodded then ran off.
Thranduil sat on his throne with his head in his hands.
He heard footsteps of the guards exiting the kingdom.
He asked six of them to stay and guard the palace.
Worry washed away all his other thoughts.
Tauriel knew she was getting lost.
She was in the middle of nowhere, when suddenly, she saw a small speck of light from afar.
She walked towards the light cautiously.
She made her way through the leaves and branches until she saw a town she never knew of.
She approached the town and decided to go to the biggest building.
As she was making her way there, she was soon captured by a human, and was thrown in a cage.
The voices grew louder and louder as Legolas walked eastwards.
He weaved through the trees until he caught sight of many houses.
According to his knowledge, these were human houses.
Legolas walked to all the houses when a strong force smacked him right across his face, causing him to black out.
He woke up a few moments later, although it was still night.
He barely could see anything.
Legolas felt all around him, eager to know where he was.
His heart almost dropped when he felt bars surrounding him.
Iron bars.

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