Chapter 30: Flying Apart

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Author's note: Hey guys! First of all, I want to thank you guys for helping me reach 7.15k reads. Truly unbelievable.
Second, if there is any of you guys that have a tumblr or are planning to make one, make sure to go follow me at chasse-jete-tonleve-all-day, my tumblr account.
Thanks guys!
Then both of them ran to each other.
Forgetting the tears.
The hurt.
All they could feel is happiness.
They met at the middle of the main bridge.
They stood there, looking in each other's eyes.
Legolas brushed a strand of hair from Tauriel's face to the back of her ear.
Then both of them leaned in, finally closing the distance between them.
Tauriel smiled in the kiss.
She missed this.
She missed him.
They pulled away.
"I thought you were never going to wake up." Tauriel sobbed into Legolas' ear.
"Don't worry, me too." Legolas said.
"I knew I heard a voice!" Aranya said, running from the door of her room to the stairs.
Tauriel stepped out of the way while Aranya ran to her brother.
When she neared him, Legolas grabbed her and spun her around.
Tauriel smiled at the sight.
Then Aranya hugged him.
They pulled away a few seconds later.
"Let me get father!" Aranya shouted then ran off to find the king.
Legolas and Tauriel both laughed.
Aranya soon returned, with the king following behind her.
Legolas then ran to the king, hugging him tightly.
Tauriel smiled then ran to them.
King Thranduil then shouted, loud enough for the whole kingdom to hear,
"There will be a grand feast tonight! Prepare everything and make sure they are set before late dusk."
Then, all of a sudden, all the guards and servants came coming out in different directions, starting to prepare.
The food, the lights, and the decorations were being made and arranged.
When Elithina heard this, it made her question herself.
What happened? Is Legolas going to have a new bride? Will it be Tauriel? Was there a battle I was not aware about?
She thought.
Still wearing her ragged clothes she never changed from.
Hair was still messy and tangled.
And personality still ruined.
She was becoming, little by little, crazy.
She would talk to herself.
Laugh out of nowhere.
Sing songs people have never heard of.
Legolas and Tauriel kissed again.
The king was looking away, but Aranya gave him a slight tap on the shoulder and made him turn to face her, and them.
King Thranduil was astonished.
He has never seen them in this way.
Yet, he felt happy.
That Legolas was happy.
Even the fact that Tauriel was happy.
And, maybe, just maybe, he might let them be.
King Thranduil stood up.
"I would like to announce a manner." He said.
All of them, by all means Legolas, Tauriel, Aranya, and a few servants, stopped what they were doing to face him.
"I have seen Legolas and Tauriel happy since they have seen each other. And by now, I can notice their relationship growing. To make this announcement quicker...I allow these two in matrimony." Then all of the people who were either on the table, or just watching, cheered.
Legolas and Tauriel were the happiest.
Then Tauriel could feel Legolas' and hold hers underneath the table.
He rubbed small circles on her hand.
Holding her, actually, kept him from flying apart.

If It's Love (Legolas and Tauriel fanfiction) | CompletedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora