Chapter 12: Mischief

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Author's note: So, what do you all think of the cliffhanger? I'm not really good at cliffhangers so don't judge me :)
Anyway, i have a question for you guys:
What do you think i look like? My hair color, eye color, age, personality and stuff like that?
To start you off-I'm a girl :)
Comment your answers and I'll give a shoutout to who gets the closest answer. Please comment I'm very curious!
PS: To all my friends who have seen me in real life, don't give away my personality!
Vote and Comment guys, See you all later!!!
Tauriel's eyes widened when Aranya said this.
"I have a plan." Aranya said, grabbing a small pot from behind all the white gowns.
"It has something to do with that?" Tauriel pointed at the jar.
"Yes," Aranya said.
Tauriel couldn't create a single image of what they could do with a jar, or jars.
"Are you sure about this?" Tauriel asked. She was too scared that she'll take the blame.
"Yes, i am." Aranya replied, confidence in her words.
"Why are we doing this?" Tauriel asked again. Was this for the wedding?
"I'll explain to you in my room. The real gown pickers will be here soon." Aranya quickly said and grabbed Tauriel's hand, making Tauriel hold the pot in the other.
Aranya opened the door and looked around for people who might notice their action.
Aranya led Tauriel into her room and shut the door behind her.
Tauriel looked around, astonished by the wonderful room. She then spotted a lot of jars like the one she was holding. She approached the stacks and placed her pot on a stack.
"Be careful of those." Aranya said, making Tauriel cautiously back away from the pots.
Aranya sat on her bed, leaving Tauriel standing.
"Lady Elithina is known all around middle-earth for a certain reason."
Aranya said. She paused and then continued.
"Not only for being King Elrond's trustful niece, but for having an unimanigable number of husbands."
"Is that true?" Tauriel asked. She thought she was lying.
"Everything i say is true." She cleared her throat.
"It's a trap, Tauriel. Don't get fooled by it." Aranya said.
Tauriel then realized something, the wedding was tomorrow.
"Now these jars," Aranya gestured to the stacks.
"Are not ordinary jars." Tauriel completed her sentence.
"Yes. In fact, what is in these jars are-"
Aranya was cut off by the door opening.
It was Legolas.
"I'm sorry, but i need Tauriel." Legolas said. He looked at Tauriel with a smile.
Tauriel glanced back to Aranya.
"Go, it's fine," Aranya smiled, but it sooner faded into a sad look.
Legolas held his hand out and Tauriel grabbed it.
They stepped out of Aranya's room and closed the door.
Legolas looked for guards around and grabbed Tauriel by the waist, pulling her closer to him, then they were kissing.
Tauriel was lost.
She snapped back to reality and pulled away from Legolas.
"You are getting married." Tauriel said, grabbing Legolas' hands around her waist and freeing herself.
"To a lady who i do not love." Legolas said with sad eyes.
Then Tauriel remembered Aranya's words 'It's a trap. Don't get fooled by it'.
"Stop telling me lies." Tauriel said, angrily.
"I am!" Legolas was angry at the moment too.
"Tauriel, we have loved each other for too long," Legolas said, feeling sorry.
Tauriel's eyes watered.
"If it's love."

If It's Love (Legolas and Tauriel fanfiction) | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now