Chapter 15: Hunt

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Author's note: Hi guys! Sorry i haven't updated in so long.
But i left you guys with a really good cliffhanger, yes?
I rock at cliffhangers.
Yay me.
Anyway, here's a new chapter.
"Lady Elithina?" Aranya said, with confusion in her voice.
"Hello, Aranya. What got you into trouble?" Lady Elithina said.
"Nothing. I didn't do anything." Aranya stood up.
"Someone said you did, which involves me." Lady Elithina said.
"What are you doing here anyway?" Aranya spat.
"My dear, I'm their ruler." Lady Elithina said.
Aranya wanted to attack her right there, although there was the bars of the cage that separated them.
Elithina smiled menacingly.
Aranya gave a confused look.
"Get me back to Mirkwood, now." Aranya demanded.
"We need them to find you first." Elithina said.
King Thranduil paced around the throne room.
He told a guard to inform Elithina about the delayed wedding.
The guard soon returned.
"My lord, Lady Elithina is not in her room." The guard's words made the king stop dead in his tracks.
"No trace?" The king asked.
Tauriel needed to look for Aranya.
She got up her bed and dressed into her green warrior tunic.
She grabbed her bow, a couple of arrows, and a blade.
She went to her window and opened it.
She stepped onto the small platform.
Tauriel looked around her room, then jumped down, leaving her window open.
She landed softly on the ground, since she did this multiple times before.
She then fled into the dark forest.
His sister was missing.
His first true friend, gone.
Legolas jumped out of bed then made his way to the armory.
There were no guards around since it was almost midnight.
He grabbed the bow he always uses, and some arrows.
Legolas went back to his room and changed into new clothes.
He went out once more.
Legolas approached the gates and opened it.
He slid out and shut it behind him quietly.
"Go check on my son and Tauriel then," King Thranduil said.
The guard nodded.
The king sat back down on his throne.
He was slowly drifting to sleep when he heard the guard's steps running towards him.
He opened his eyes.
"My king, they're all gone."

If It's Love (Legolas and Tauriel fanfiction) | CompletedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin