Chapter 5: The Best of Friends

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Author's note: Hey! Sorry i haven't updated for a while. Im just soooo busy with school.
So, here is chapter 5. Legolas and Tauriel are the best of friends. After loads of days of waiting, they have finally met.
I got distracted by how much people are following me and voting for my story. Thank you so much for that!
Please do not stop from reading this story because it is going to be the best in the future.
Love you guys!

"Do you like the stars?" Legolas said to Tauriel, who sat beside him on a tree, looking into the night sky.

They have spent hours talking since they've met.

"I love the stars. I go out every night on my balcony just to watch the stars like little white spiders shimmering in the dark night." Tauriel answered. Then Tauriel looked up to see the stars. At the same time, Legolas took her hand and gazed upon the scars that covered it.

Tauriel looked down and grasped Legolas' hand to hers, until she felt a slight squeeze and snatched it away.

"Sorry, does it hurt?" Legolas asked.

Tauriel nodded.

"Come, let's get you treated." He stood up and took Tauriel's other hand.

She stood up as Legolas helped her.

They gazed into each other's eyes and Tauriel hugged Legolas tightly. Legolas hugged back.

"We are going to be the best of friends," Legolas whispered into Tauriel's ear. Tauriel giggled as she put her head on Legolas' shoulder.

"Yes we will," Tauriel lifted her head to see a charming young prince smiling at her.

"I don't need to be treated, mellon. I am fine." Tauriel said.

"Alright. But when there comes a day that somebody hurts you, i will be right there when you need me." Legolas answered. He looked up at the sky, it was pitch black.

"We need to go back," he said.

"I'll race you there!" Tauriel started climbing down the tree.

Legolas started running after her.

He thought;
She makes me forget about the queen, my mother, Although Tauriel reminds me of her.
Her red hair like my mother's hair me and Herenya used to play in.
Her voice like my mother's when she reads me and Herenya a bedtime story.
Her smile like what my mother had on her face every time i successfully shoot an arrow.
And her laugh like what my mother would giggle every time father said something really funny.

The sound of the gates opening snapped Legolas out of his dream.

Tauriel was running in front of him as they entered the palace. Her long hair flying behind her back.

Legolas did the best he could to catch up, but Tauriel ran like a gazelle, fast and unoticeable.

The gates were opened as the two stopped running and started walking since there were many guards nearby.

The castle was decorated with lovely lamps in every corner.

Legolas knew what was going on.

They walked around the grand hall in front of the gate as Tauriel glanced around, her mind filled with curiousity.

She ran lamp to lamp, Legolas chasing after her.

She touched each lamp she went by and every time she touched one her eyes were enlightened by the sudden spark of the lamps when an object or person touched it.

Tauriel stopped in front of a lamp she was about to touch. She looked at the lamp for a while then turned around to see Legolas smiling behind her.

"What are all these for?" She asked.

"The Feast of Starlight. Never heard of it before?" He said.

Tauriel shook her head and touched the lamp, which sparked when she touched it.

"How did they make the lamps spark?" Tauriel kept on fingering the lamp.

"Radagast, the brown wizard. He barely comes here anymore." Legolas answered.

"But when he does, congratulate him." Tauriel walked down to the banquet hall with Legolas.

It was covered with magical lights that hung from the underground-grown trees.

The grand table was covered with a fine lavender-colored silk.

On top of it was assorted dinner.

Meat, fish, and vegetables. It was enough to fill a whole community.

They were about to walk in when sweet music began playing.

If It's Love (Legolas and Tauriel fanfiction) | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now