Chapter 20: Above

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Author's note: Yayyy!!! We have reached 20 chapters!!!! Whoop whoop 😄😄!!!
Anyways, How are you guys?
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Thanks and enjoy 😄
The leaves rustled in the early morning wind.
Tauriel woke carefully and got out of bed.
She changed into fresh new clothes and brushed her lovely auburn hair by her bedside.
Tauriel is on morning watch with Legolas today.
She put on her leather boots and walked out the door.
She passed by the room where Aranya was healed.
Tauriel knew she was still in there.
She was tempted, but she couldn't do it.
She forgot about it and went out the gates.
Tauriel wondered where Legolas may be.
She walked into the forest and saw a tree she would never forget.
Their tree.
Has it been days? Weeks?
She climbed up swiftly and saw Legolas' shadow on top of the canopy made from wood and leaves.
Tauriel eagerly found a way up there.
She has never been on that part before.
She climbed slowly, being careful not to miss a step.
She made it eventually,
The view was breathtaking.
The early morning sun floats beautifully on the blue sky.
Tauriel saw Legolas standing there, smiling at her.
She smiled back, "Have you been up here before?"
"Before you arrived, I was here every second of the day." Legolas responded.
Tauriel nodded then went to stand beside him.
"Is this how you take morning watch?" Tauriel asked, grinning.
"Yes. You should too." Legolas said.
A moment of silence endured between the two.
Tauriel saw the birds fly synchronized in the sky.
"What is it like to fly?" Tauriel asked, full of wonder.
"You feel free. No limitations." Legolas answered.
Tauriel then imagined herself being a bird, soaring through the sky at dawn.
The way the wind felt underneath her wings made her forget all of her troubles.
She never got tired.
Footsteps were heard climbing up their tree.
Tauriel broke away from her daydream and looked at the trunk of the tree.
Legolas was doing the same.
They couldn't quite see who it was from underneath them.
The figure made it's way to the top of the canopy, where Tauriel and Legolas were.
The figure arises and then they could see who it is, clearly.
She looked like she was never hurt in the first place.
Tauriel ran over to her and gave her a friendly hug.
Aranya hugged back.
The princess then went to Legolas.
Legolas kissed her forehead and hugged her tightly.
They broke away then Aranya stood there, smiling.
"Here I am!" she said to both of them.
"Here you are!" Tauriel said, also smiling.
"Shall we sit down?" Legolas asked.
Tauriel and Aranya nodded and sat down beside Legolas, facing the sun.
They talked until dusk, the moon was starting to appear.
"The princess must rest early to avoid any other danger," a guard said from below the tree.
They all sighed.
"Goodbye," Aranya waved, then climbed down.
The stars began to show up.
"You like the stars," Legolas said.
"I do." Tauriel gazed into the night.
"Are you also thinking about being a star?" Legolas asked.
"Yes. How would it feel to be just one in a sea of other ones looking exactly like you?" Tauriel said.
Both of them looked up and watched as the stars twinkled in the darkness of night.
The moon shone brightly through the forest.
How would it feel like above?

If It's Love (Legolas and Tauriel fanfiction) | CompletedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz