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Hazel ended up waking Delilah from her sleep. Her and Frank had both returned and knowing that Delilah would carry on sleeping unless woken, Hazel had come to get her.

The present demigods all met on the deck, Leo and Annabeth still there sitting in the sun.

"We couldn't see anything in the close vicinity." Frank explained.

"The Romans are in Utah. They must have tracked us to Salt Lake City. Reyna said she would try and hold them off as much as she could, but there's not really a lot she can do. That slimy git, Octavian, holds way too much power." Delilah said and filled them all in on her conversation with Reyna. "We need to get moving as soon as the others get back. The sooner we get to the mare nostrum, the sooner the Legion won't be an issue anymore."

"Well I can get it all ready now so the moment they get back we can leave? I guess we'll be heading somewhere east." Leo asked, standing up to go to the controls.

"We need to go to Atlanta. That's what Bacchus will have told the others." She explained to Leo who nodded immediately and went over to Festus.

"They shouldn't be long, when I saw them it seemed like they wrapping up the conversation. Of course, time works differently in dreams so it's hard to know for sure." Delilah told the others.

Within a minute, they saw a black shape in the sky. They all rose uneasily, their hands going to their weapons until Annabeth called out, "That's Blackjack! Percy's pegasus."

They only realised something was wrong until Blackjack got closer to reveal Piper holding onto the other two demigods, both knocked out cold.

The moment that they hit the deck, Leo, true to his word, set sail, the ship lifting up and moving through the air. Frank and Hazel remained on deck to calm down Blackjack, while the others lifted Percy and Jason between them and took them to the sickbay.

Coach Hedge met them there. Delilah hadn't really had the chance to chat with him too much - he was normally shut in his room watching martial arts videos - but he seemed interesting. And he had decent medical knowledge which was a help to Delilah.

"At this rate, we're going to run out of ambrosia." Coach grumbled as he ransacked the drawers.

"We can make it last. Maybe work out how to get some more along the way." Delilah said and brought out some unicorn powder, adding a spoonful to some water. "Feed them both a bit of nectar."

"Hang on! We need to set sail for-" Piper remembered, having just taken a swig of nectar herself.

"Atlanta." Delilah finished for her. "Leo's already on it."

Piper looked like she was going to question this, but let it go. She then started to explain what had happened, about how the two had been made to fight each other and Blackjack had been forced to kick Percy in the head to stop them from murdering each other.

While she was doing this, Delilah and Coach Hedge were working together to make a healing paste, combining their skills. He had some nature remedies that she was very intrigued by and the mix of those with her own along with the unicorn powder provided to be very effective. Delilah also gave their consciousness' a quick jog, a hand over each of their foreheads. The remedy had made their minds ready to wake up, their consciousness' just had to catch up, which she helped with.

Delilah had some ginger tea ready for them when they woke. "It's a natural painkiller." She explained, giving the two of them a cup each.

They accepted them gratefully and listened as Piper filled them in.

Jason seemed to wince at the story. "Knocked out twice in two days, some demigod."

"Careful, Jace, or you're going to use up all our supplies before we even get to Rome." Delilah teased him lightly.

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