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After the Senate meeting, Delilah was buzzing. The quest was imminent, and even though it was potentially life-threatening, she was itching for the thrill that came from monster-fighting and adventure.

Lunch was slightly painful, but they got through it together. Percy told her that Reyna had requested they stop off in Seattle and that apparently Delilah would know exactly where to find Hylla. Delilah did, as Reyna had told her before about Hylla's position as Queen of the Amazons, and she'd even accompanied Reyna to visit her once before.

At one point, she went over to Reyna's table. Reyna sent away all the others there so that the two could talk without any nosy ghosts or sycophantic augurs listening in.

"Percy said you want us to visit Hylla?" She asked her friend, who was drinking hot chocolate, which she insisted on drinking, even in June.

"Yes. She may be able to send reinforcements for the attack." Reyna replied. There was something about the look in her eyes that made Delilah think that they really needed that help.

"Look, I've seen things in both of our futures. Things that make me think that there's something after the next week. I think we'll make it through. Even if it doesn't always seem like it." Delilah told her in an attempt to make the girl feel better. All of the things she'd ever seen, whether they were past, present or future, were certain. Even the things she'd wished had never come true, always did. Her father always called her abilities a blessing and a curse.

Reyna stared at Delilah for a second before sighing deeply and nodding. Eventually she said quietly, "I asked Percy to be my partner. As the other Praetor." The way she said it seemed strange, but Delilah let it go.

All Delilah could reply was, "I actually think he'd do well in that position. Much better than Octavian ever could." In reality, this was perfect. Percy becoming Praetor was just what he needed to gain respect and trust from Camp Jupiter. Now to ensure this happened, Delilah just had to make sure they succeeded on this quest. Yet responsibilities being placed on Delilah.

"Right?" The Praetor agreed, scoffing slightly. "Anyone's better than Octavian."

"But Percy... there's something about him that seems like he's a natural leader. I don't know if he'll bring stability, but he'll certainly help us face whatever's coming." Delilah told her honestly. It was times like this that really made her miss Jason. As much as he'd confessed to hating the son of Jupiter role, he played it very well. 

"Let's hope." Reyna nodded thoughtfully in agreement. "When I told him about Hylla, I reminded him about how he'd met us before. Him and that girl Annabeth. But he didn't remember."

That name, Annabeth struck something in her memories. That was the name of the girl who had thought Leo was going mad that time she'd first appeared to him. A Greek demigod who must have known Percy before he went missing.

"Hylla's probably gonna kill him. You know that right? I don't know if not remembering will help with that or not." Delilah grimaced slightly. She was going to have to do a lot to alleviate Hylla's vengeance.

"If I know my sister as well as I think I do, she may just give him a chance. Especially if I send the right companions with him." Reyna was giving her this look, as if to say 'you're that companion'. That was true - Hylla owed Delilah significantly. 

"Way to load on the pressure, Rey." Delilah muttered just as she and Reyna both turned their heads to Hazel, who was shouting over to her and signalling that it was time to go and pack.

"Delilah, if anyone can do it? It's you." Reyna said with a genuine smile.

They both stood up, and gave each other a hug. They didn't hug often, both being slightly unsociable people, but this mission was dangerous and at times like these, they deemed it okay.

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