4) Wild Animal

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Chandni came out from the memories of the dark day when she heard the cluttering sound of iron chains.

Slowly she raised her head and looked at Shivoham. He was coming to her with a thick iron chain in his hand.

"Time to get in the position my sweet rose," Shivoham spoke, approaching her with a wicked smile.

Chandni shook her head, withering like a broken flower on the ground. "No. No m-ast-er. I c-an't feel my leg..I can't s-ta-nd on my legs it's h-urt-ing me..it's h-urt-ing me so m-uch. Ple-se stop," she whimpered, her eyes creating a pool of tears.

The dark circles under her eyes seemed worsened, her petals like lips wobbling while restraining the cries from her words. Folding her hands together she begged him,"Please master... don't."

However he did not hear her. Shivoham grabbed her and made her stand. Another painful cry burst out her mouth muffled with tears when she stood on her twisted leg. It only twisted more in an ugly way.

"I can't kill you because I love you but that does not mean I will leave you unpunished," Shivoham gritted out the words, his hazel eyes shining with rawest fury.

A picture of her with Sabiq flashed in his mind and Shivoham lost all his rationality.

He bound her to the dirty wall, her soft wrists caged under the iron chains whose end was attached to the same filthy walls. She hung loosely in the middle with her head down and body straining in building pain.

Her twisted legs straightened as the chain tightened on the sides, Chandni hissed, clutching her lip under her teeth and shutting her eyes tight as she finally stood straight on her feet.

The ache of her body tenfolding by each passing moment. Dirty smell intruded her nostrils in its highest and that sound slowly sipped to her dead ears.

The sound of needles scratching the wet ground.

Her tired eyes raised slowly and collided with his angry hazel ones.

A belt in his hand, a leather belt with needles on it.

Chandni smiled grievously. He had once scared her by showing this same belt. Like a quivering kitten she had pulled herself from him far away just to not get touched by that belt..but now tonight she was smiling and crying looking at the same needle embedded leather belt.

"Tell me Chandni you are here for whom ? Right at this moment who is living in your heart. Tell me the name of your master who can save you from all this torture... tell me," rolling the leather part of the belt around his hand Shivoham asked.

His eyes conveying only one message to her..take his name, whisper Shivoham and get saved by all his tortures.

However the girl lost, broken, poor and ugly has only his name written on every cell of her body. That is why enduring every drop of pain with a heartfelt smile she whispered.


Chandni whispered and the first hit landed on her naked chest. The sharp needles peeled her beautiful brown skin, leaving another scratch with blood oozing out.

"Say again Chandni who is in your heart. This time truth the fucking truth," Shivoham shouted, holding the belt in the air and again with agonizing pain she smiled,"Sabiq."

Shivoham again hit her, this time right on her stomach. It cut her flesh making the needles drip with warm blood.

"It is Shivoham, you fool. Shivoham is in your heart. He is your master not that Sabiq," Shivoham snarled, his face resembling that of a devil as he again hit the belt on her exposed breasts.

 Curse Of Love| 18+  Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz