Chapter Twenty two

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"Hold your fire!" Quaritch watches Jake mount his tsurak, Spider in front of him blocking his shot.

"He's coming." He turns to them, Jake and Spider going under the water, making their way to the sinking ship.

"Let's get this guy, it's what we came here for." The remaining recons cheer, armed with guns as they wait for Jake to come to them. Unknowing to the fact that wherever he went, she would follow.

Jake surfaces, pulling a spear out the side of the ship. RDA soldiers arming themselves and gathering in the ship, ready to ambush him.

Jake and Spider swim into the ship's engine, listening in for any passing footsteps.

"Go." Jake climbs, helping Spider onto the broken turbine.

"Where are they?" He moves in, crouching as they advance further.

"The middle deck, where they launch the subs, there's like a pool in the centre." Spider whispers, following after Jake.

"They're at the fourth railing." Jake hops off the edge, jumping into an entrance, Spider moves to climb it but Jake holds out his hand.

"No, stay here it's not safe." Jake walks in, hiding behind broken metal of a submarine, a blaring fire shielding him. Spider hesitates, not wanting Jake to go in alone.

"Talk to me, corporal. This ship's going down and your girls with it. Your boy didn't have to die." Kiri's ears lower, Tuk shaking her head from behind the man as she exchanges worried looks with her sister.

"You brought that on yourself." Jake hangs onto the metal, swinging over and using it to climb to another area, running through to another doc, leaning over seeing Kiri and Tuk tied to a railing. Quaritch and some recons are armed, pointing at the entrance not anticipating he would find another way in.

"You thought you could keep them safe but you can't." Humans in mech suits patrol, making him duck behind another damaged sub.

"Only one way to keep them safe. So let's get this over with. Before you lose another kid." He peeks through an opening, pulling a grenade from his vest, unclipping the pin and throwing it behind the sub he was hiding by.

Running, he takes cover, ushering Spider with him. It explodes, shaking the ship as flames erupt, throwing them off balance. Fire burns the metal, debris falling on some humans as the recons come barreling in to pull them out of the flames.

Jake grips his spear, jumping down to strike it into a recon, pulling it out to do the same with a human, taking his gun to shoot. The recons open fire at him.

Tanhì jumps off her ikran, rolling down the height, sending an arrow to the man shooting at her mate. She steps back, stabbing another with the sharp end of her bow. Turning to twist a human's neck as shots echo through the ship.

"Marse, do you copy?" Quartich calls out, getting static in return.

"Raider, you read?" Tanhì ducks, swiping her feet and taking a recon off her feet, stabbing her with her bow, sending it through her chest.

Jake leaps across staircases, dodging bullets, hiding around the corner, throwing a human off the balcony to his death and shooting around him at the enemies.

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