Chapter Nineteen

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The kids were still trying to pull the tracker off, Neteyam taking a rope off of his ilu.
"Ao'nung!" The frustrated boy looks up, catching it in time to tie it around the beeping device.

The ship gets closer and they tug harder.
"Bro, hurry up!" Lo'ak's voice is panicked as Neteyam ties the end of the rope to his ilu saddle, mounting it to help.

"I'll be damned. Sully's kids." Quaritch says with a grin looking through the binoculars, the recon soilders grab their weapons and Spider looks through the lense, seeing his family's obvious dark blue forms, prominent amoung the cayn blue teens trying to dislodge the pinger.

Couldn't they have stayed out of the water today.

"Let's roll. Not you." Quaritch points at Spider in warning, climbing up to his ikran with Lyle following behind.

Jake and Tonowari lead the Metkayina towards the approaching boats, Tanhì in the sky as they ride closer to save their kids.

"Pull harder!" Tsireya tells Neteyam while they all pull at the device, being launched into the water when it popped out of the tulkun's skin.

"It's out!" Tuk's relieved voice echos as she and Kiri comfort Payakan. Kiri ushers her along, moving to her ilu and shouting for her to get on.

"Go let's go!" Lo'ak looks to Neteyam who reeled the tracker out of the water, already taking off.

"Go that way, I'll lead them away!" Nodding at his brother he turns to Payakan, touching him quickly as the Metkayina teens mount their ilus.

"Dive Payakan!" The ship gets closer, Tsireya calling for Lo'ak.

"Come on, Lo'ak!" Kiri takes off, Tuk holding on tightly behind her, Lo'ak and Tsireya dive down with Ao'nung and Roxto as Payakan swims deeper in the sea. Neteyam in the other direction.

"Range three hundred. Ready death charges now." Scoresby orders from a boat, launching two bombs, startling Neteyam's ilu as he leads them away from his family.

Quartich flys on his ikran, reaching for his mic.

"No death charges scoresby copy? These kids are worthless to me dead." He scans the sea, no visible sign of any tuklun or Na'vi.

"Hold your fire." Scoresby relents, Neteyam looks back, dropping the tracker in a deeper part outside the reef, keeping a low profile riding away in the dark water.

"Circle them and get your subs in the water." Quaritch makes out ilu swimming through the vast kelp cluster. Submarines releasing from the main ship, going in for the children.

Lo'ak and Kiri watch woriedly from their hiding spots amoung the kelp field, looking around to make sure everyone was with them. Neteyam still nowhere in sight while they wait it out.

Ao'nung gets their attention, pointing to where subs were hurdling towards them, claws outstretched. They ride away swiftly, the machines hot on their tails.

They split up, moving through the kelp, being slowed down by the large leafs hitting their bodies, Tuk slips from her hold on Kiri, the older girl reaching around to grab her hand as a leaf hits them, pushing Tuk away after loosing her grip on her sister's hand.

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