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Ibiki's POV

I sigh in relief as the classroom starts to empty. I start walking around, collecting the test papers. That blondy... he sure was something. I stop at his paper and raise an eyebrow. Picking it up, my eyes widened.

"What the hell??" I shout, before covering my mouth with my hand, looking around to see if anyone heard me. I turn back to the paper, frowning. Not a single question was answered, and he drew doodles... a dead person inside a bag... and under the bag was the caption: "Here's your body bag! He looks fairly dead to me!" 

I furrowed my eyebrows. Why is this so familiar.... do I know this kid? Naruto Uzumaki.... you sure are something.

Naruto's POV

We all arrived in front of the gates of the Forest of Death. Mitarashi stands in front of all of us, arms crossed.

"Alright people!" She shouts. "Listen up! This is how the second part of the exams will go." Everyone quiets down and turns to her. I stick my hands in my pockets.

Anko holds up two scrolls, one earth, one heaven. "Each team will get one of either of these scrolls. Your goal, when in the Forest of Death, is to try and get the opposite scroll. So yes, you'll have to fight another team. You have five days to get to the forest tower in the middle of the forest with both scrolls. You may NOT. Open your scrolls while inside the forest. Doing so will lead to elimination. There will be many obstacles, and this will test your survival skills-" She smirks. "So you'll have to sign a waiver, agreeing that we are not responsible for your death~" She sings sadistically. 

I snort. She sends me a glare, and throws a kunai at me so fast the normal genin probably couldn't even have comprehended what happened. But I'm no normal genin, am I? I catch the kunai by the blade between my index and middle finger, and throw it back faster than she did, and it glides past her, cutting her cheek. 

Shocked, Anko touches her cheek, where a small scratch is bleeding. She stares at me wide-eyed, and everyone is silent, until Sakura speaks up.

"You just threw a kunai at our proctor, idiot!" She screams. "You could've hurt her!" 

I smirked at Anko. "Ah, but a special jonin like her could've handled it, hm?" I see Anko twitch in frustration and annoyance.

"I hate it when you do things like that. IT'S RISKY. THEY COULD FIGURE OUT YOUR IDENTITY."

Isn't the ninja world about taking risks? Besides, their reactions are hilarious. When did you become my mother?

This little-

Anko quickly recovers, plastering on a sadistic smile and putting her hands on her hips.

"You got lucky, brat. Be glad I don't come over there and do much worse." She hisses playfully. Then she looks at the rest of the genin. "Alright! Sign your waivers, collect your scrolls, and get to your assigned gates!" She shouts.

As the genin teams start to disperse, I feel my anbu tattoo burning. I grimace. Come on, old man! Now, of all times? I look at Anko, who seems to have got it too.

Sighing, I turn to Sasuke and place a hand on his shoulder. He turns to me, eyebrow raised.

"I have things to attend to. I'll send a clone with you two. Tell it to disperse if you guys get into trouble, and I'll be right there." I whisper in his ear. He nods a look of understanding. I nod back, and shunshin away, while sending a clone to him.


I appear at where I got the signal, now dressed in my anbu uniform. We're next to what looks like a few graves. I see the hokage, and a few anbu next to him. One of them is Neko.

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