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~Suddenly i think that do you actually know yourself and do you even know how beautiful your existence is ~

~Suddenly i think that do you actually know yourself and do you even know how beautiful your existence is ~

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And hit mochi on his arm

"Oww! Why are y-ou hitti-ng me?" He asked and was talking in a kind of weird way i don't know why though, rubbing his arm where I hit him

"Cause it's because of you that I've got detention for the first time" I Huffed

"Well isn't your dad a mafia so why are they punishing you?" He again whispered

We were whisper-talking

"First of all don't ever talk about him in front

of me and about school they don't know that he's my dad and to live peacefully I want to be this a secret only" I said and sighed once again

"Alright" that's what he said


"Lecture dismiss" Mrs. Lee said and left

Ah i stood up and went to joonie who was doing a sum that Mrs. Lee gave us ,

"Joon-" I stopped and cleared my throat well there are still many kids in the room

"KNJ can you help me with this sum" I asked politely and he looked and revealed his dimple smile

Aww so cute.

"Of course" he replied

I was about to say something but Jin who was sitting beside him spoke up

"But at home okay? Let's just attend the physics lecture first or we'll be late" he said

"Ah alright opp-" again i slipped on my words , i just gave them a smile sheepishly

We walked to our lockers , mochi's locker is just beside mine and beside his is the other six's , I took out my books and gave them kind of signal let's go

We walked in the physics class , I sat on a seat and alone and Jimin like before came and sat beside me but didn't say anything .

The physics lecture flew unlike calculus which stayed forever, well I'm pretty good in it .

We all walked out of the class it was spare , The small kids call it recess though , but it's 2 hours long and we can do whatever we want to do in it.

We walked out of the physics room while walking I was discussing some random things with Suga as he didn't seem interested but still . I wanted to know him . I told him some silly things and if I'm not wrong he probably smiled on few. I sometimes glanced at mochi too cause he seemed to be a bit weird .

We reached the cafeteria and i excused myself to go to the bathroom



I came out of the bathroom and was going to the cafeteria when someone blocked my way and pinned me to the wall

And i thought that i was lucky enough to not see him today .

"Aww baby , you look so hot today" he said

"But I'm cold towards you, now shut up and fuck off" I threatened him

He let go of me and fix his shirt ,

"Why aren't you leaving me alone?" I asked as i looked at him

"Who are those 7 big boys with you?" He asked

"None of your Business now answer my question " I ordered him

He chuckled and a small smile made it's way on my lips

"Alright . Alright should we go on our regular table"

We were walking to the cafeteria

"I'm telling you don't do this anymore, it feels weird" i said and he just laughed

And i made a look like 'am i a joke to you'

As we entered the cafeteria we were discussing some random things , but i felt like someone was staring at me and from my corner of my eyes i saw it was none other than Cha Eun woo.

I'm unlucky today.

We both sat on the table with the other 7 and soon Eun woo and Yoona joined us.

"Guys this is Yeonjun" I said to the seven and Yeonjun smiled

"And Yeonjun, they are my new friends-" I was cut short

"I'm KNJ"
"I'm KSJ"
"Hi I'm JHK"
" KTH"

They all said their weird codenames

"Okay? But you guys are weird" Yeonjun stated and something felt suspicious about him

"Y/N we need to talk" Eun woo said and Yoona beside him gave a look of
'yes we need to'

"Alright, guys we'll be back after a few minutes okay?" I said but somehow i felt i was taking their permission

And they just hummed in agreement

And we made our way out of the cafeteria into a empty classroom

Eunwoo locked the door as yoona and I sat

"What is that you both wanted to talk about?" I asked raising an eyebrow

"You know" Eun woo sighed and sat

"You promised us" Yoona whined

"I know but guys he ain't that bad afterall , and now he's my friend. Why can't you guys just catch up and get to know him?" I cleared myself and asked

"But you know he spent a night in prison don't you?" Eun woo stated

"I know but come on" I whined

"Alright we can try" Yoona said and we got out of the empty classroom and made our way towards the cafeteria



Yeah so this is it I know it's not that interesting

but yeah the next one may reveal somethings .

𝓐𝓼𝓼𝓪𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓷'𝓼 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 //𝓹𝓳𝓶Where stories live. Discover now