"I can't believe you," Peter mutters in the other corner. Her eyes travel to her friend sitting in the corner with his head facing the floor. His long brown hair hanging down.

"P-Peter?" Ren asks with a shaky voice, shocked to even hear her friend after so long. Tears come to her eyes as she sees her little arachnid friend.

She crawls over to him and tackles him in a death hug. She ignores the odor of his spider-suit and squeezes the death out of him.

"Ow ow ow," He hisses and moves away, the jangle of chains heard in the silence. Ren's eyes look down at the shackles that bind his legs and arms.

"What the hell happened to you," Ren asks looking at him.

"What the hell if wrong with you," He asks looking up with sad doe eyes and shaggy brown hair falling into his eyes instead of the do she was used to. His lip is split and a bruise is forming on his cheek. "I warned you to stay away Ren. I warned you. You just got yourself killed."

"Sorry if I followed the voice of someone I thought forgave me," Ren mutters scooting away from him and wrapping her arms around her legs pulling them close. She looks at the cold cement floor. "My mind is still trying to comprehend what happened back there and what's happened the past few. . .months no pretty much since the day S.H.I.E.L.D found me. "

"I can't believe you though," Peter grumbles, "I warned you, twice."

"To be far, I thought I was going insane," Ren says looking at Peter, "when you start to hear voices, and see things. . .things get. . .horrible. You can't comprehend what's real or in your head. No one understands what's happening, but you." She looks Peter dead in the eyes.

"I never told anyone, but after I got back from the Glade or wherever they're from, I've had nightmares every night," Ren says quietly in the dark cell. She takes in a deep breath, "It-it's hard to explain, but they usually are about seeing death or seeing my friends die in fire. And it didn't help at all when I k-killed someone.

"Peter, I'm the cause of all this aren't I. . ." Peter doesn't answer. He just sits there next to Ren, quietly. He knows if he lies, he'd be a bad friend, but if he answers. . .it'd be even worse.

The sixteen year old girl just looks down like Peter.

"Do you remember the day we met?" Peter nods. "I was sitting on the roof, a young thirteen year old girl who had some 'problems'. You sat down next to me, like we we've been best-friend's for ages." Ren chuckles at the memory, "You noticed I was an obsessive fangirl and you were cool with that. Well, I thought you were."

Pete just chuckles a bit while looking at the ground with the first smile he's had in ages. He continues the memory, "I thought you were calm, but you said in reality you were squealing on the inside. You have me quite a scare that day when you told me my name."

"Yeah, not one of my brightest ideas," She responds chuckling. Her golden eyes look at his hazel ones. "I missed ya Pete, I really have. "

"I miss hotdogs," He responds plainly. Ren just rolls her eyes and very lightly shoves him.

"I'm going to get some sleep Peter," She says resting her head on his shoulder. " 'Night. "

"Night," He says before she falls asleep, ". . .i love you. " He whispers before kissing her temple. Ren stirs a bit in her sleep, but soon settles and relaxes against Peter's shoulder.

The door slightly opens to reveal Asha on the other side of the bars. She is still wearing the same outfit as before and her sword is still strapped and sheathed at her hip. She squats down to get at eye level with Peter. One hand clutches the horizontal bar in the center of the gate. A horrible smirk on the girls face.

"Aw, so cute," She whispers, "Too bad, you would've bad a cute couple." Peter only glares at the horrible human being. . .well horrible whatever she is.

"Back off Asha," Peter growls quietly careful not to wake Ren, "Don't you have orders to follow or something."

"Oh I do," Asha says with a smile, "Just. . .not yet. " She looks at the clock up on the wall, "Oh just kidding, bye-bye Bug Boy."

• • • • • • • • • • • • •
Meanwhile at camp. . .

"You. . .had. . .one. . .job," Riley says through gritted teeth towards Jackson as Steve, Tony, and Clint hole her back. "ONE FUCKING JOB! TO MAKE SURE REN DOESN'T RUN OFF!"

"I'm sorry," Jackson says from the floor shielding his face with his upper arm. He already has a busted lip and a black eye from when she first came over.

"She could be anywhere," Riley screams hysterically. Out of pure exhaustion she collapses on the floor as tears run down her face, "I just want my sister to be safe and out of harms way. . ."

"Well that's not going to work out," Asha says coming out of the forest into the area where everyone is with her arms crossed.

"A-Asha?" Riley asks with big eyes. "B-But. . ."

"But your five years old," Asha mocks with a high pitched voice, "You're not alien! Blah blah-blah blah I heard it from your sister too. Same story same thing. "

"Where's Ren," Natasha asks stepping in front of all of them.

"Ah, Natalia Alianovna Romanova a.k.a The Black Widow, how's the Brucie thing going," Asha taunts. Nat just continues to glare with tight fists, "Oh, OH he's not interested I'm guessing! I'm right aren't I? I mean I have to be, who would date someone who has so much red on their ledger?"

"Leave Nat out of this," Clint orders stepping in front of her.

"Ah Clinton Barton a.k.a Hawkeye," Asha says with a sickening grin stepping around with her hands behind her back, "How's the family, oh wait ah yes if I recall their dead!" She laughs insane like. "Two kids and a mother. A boy and a little girl. . .so young. Hey Clint how does it feel that you couldn't do anything when they were murdered by HYDRA soldiers? Huh, probably like you failed them."

"Shut up!" He screams looking at the ground.

"What is with you," Tony asks stepping forward, "We thought you were a young little girl, but you're not. Why did you manipulate us? To get to us, or to Ren? Maybe you're stalling." He looks at her eyes as they twitch. A small smirk forms on his face as he claps his hands together, "I figured it out. . .you're stalling for Loki! "

A small laugh erupts from her mouth, "Loki why would I- . . . " She caught herself before she let out the truth, "Yes I'm working for Loki."

Thor huffs, "Loki? And you? Highly unlikely. He has knowledge of races the Allfather doesn't even know of!"

"Oh honey. . .you have no idea," She looks at her watch on her wrist, "Well I got to go, tata" and with that she disappears into the woods.

"Bitch," Riley mutters as pieces of her hair falls in front of her face. A dark look has taken place of the usual happy one. "I'm going to murder her no doubt. . ."

The regrets of Katherine BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now