Calling You Out

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Seth and Roman left the room, once in the hall Seth began pacing, furious at being called out in front of that piece of trash! Roman stood against the wall, arms crossed as he watched him, completely confused by Seth's behaviour.

"What the hell is wrong with you Seth?" Roman demanded.

"Me?" Seth asked shocked, as he stopped pacing and starred at Roman.

"You've been acting strange since we arrested Ambrose! First you talked to the Captain without me, than you attack Ambrose! What the hell is going on Seth, I'm your brother talk to me dammit!" Roman demanded.

"You know what brother, nothing's going on with me! I'm just doing my damn job!" Seth answered angrily.

"Your job? I must have missed the training on attacking suspects! Our job, Seth is to arrest criminals, not threaten or attack them! Do you want Ambrose to go free, because you're having a temper tantrum?"

"I'm not the only one who's going to blow this case! He's going to walk because of your little..." Seth trailed off not wanting to hurt Roman just because Ambrose pissed him off.

"My what?" Roman questioned.

"Never mind! Let's just go back in there!" Seth said.

"Maybe I should go in there alone?" Roman suggested.

"What? We've always done the interviews together!"

"Yeah, there's a lot of that going around tonight!" Roman said bitterly.

"Fine! I'll go do something else on the case!" Seth said upset, as he turned to walk away.

"Seth, wait!" Roman called after him.

"Just forget it Ro, we've got work to do!" Seth said quietly, as he walked away.

"Damn it!" Roman said frustrated, before he went back into the room.

Dean noticed Agent Reigns come back into the room by himself he couldn't help, but smile knowing that he had been able to get into Rollins' head easier than he thought! Reigns sighed as he sat down, he opened the file in front of him, Dean sat back in his chair watching him closely.

"Where's Agent Pretty Boy? Time for his nap?" Dean teased smiling.

"Agent Rollins has something else to do on the case. It's just you and me." Roman answered, avoiding eye contact with Dean.

"I like the sounds of that!" Dean said quietly, Roman heard him and smiled, but said nothing.

"You like playing games right?" Roman asked smiling, finally looking at him.

"Depends, what kind of game?" Dean asked starring into Roman's eyes.

"Let's play a game of show and tell!" Roman answered, as he laid out pictures of The Authority on the table in front of Dean, watching for a reaction, even a tiny one from Dean, but Ambrose was good and showed nothing. "Ready to begin?"

"Yep!" Dean answered smiling. "How do we play?"

"It's real simple actually! You look at the pictures in front of you and tell me who they are!" Roman explained. "Any questions?"

"Just one!" Dean answered.


"What do I get if I win?" Dean asked smirking, as he leaned forward, Roman couldn't take his eyes off Dean.

"What you want?" Roman asked.

" that's a loaded question Agent Reigns!" Dean answered leaning in even closer, never breaking eye contact, Roman cleared his throat sitting back quickly. "Do I make you uncomfortable Agent Reigns?" Dean asked smirking.

"Are you going to help or not?" Roman asked.

"Well, Agent Reigns, I would love to, but I can't! Never seen these people before, but I'd punch these two in their ugly faces!" Dean said pointing at Orton and Barrett.

"Really? Why?" Roman asked smiling.

"They just have extremely punchable faces!" Dean answered, as Roman laughed.

Roman talked to Dean for an hour, of course Dean gave him nothing to help with the case. Anytime Roman tried to talk about it, Dean changed the subject, so after the fifth time Roman gave up. As they talked Roman caught tiny glimpses of the lost man, hidden behind Dean's tough, bad boy exterior. It made Roman's attraction to Dean grow stronger, wanting to help him! It was official Dean Ambrose was going to drive him crazy!

Dean refused to help Roman, no matter how attracted he was to him, he was a cop dammit, and Dean didn't help cops! So, whenever Roman tried to talk about the case, Dean would change the subject every time. It freaked Dean out how easy it was for Roman to get into his head, learning little things about him, before Dean could stop it! It was official Agent Roman Reigns was going to drive him crazy...crazier!


After Roman ended the interview, Dean was taken back to jail, while Roman went to find Seth. He looked all over the station, but couldn't find him anywhere, so he gave up and began gathering their things so he could go back to the hotel.

"Hey." Seth said from the doorway, Roman had his back to him.

"Hey." Roman greeted him, as he looked over his shoulder, before he continued packing.

"How'd the interview go?" Seth asked.

"I talked to him for an hour, but he didn't give me anything." Roman answered without looking at him, he was still upset with Seth's attitude.

"Ro, stop packing and look at me please?" Seth asked sighing.

"If you're going to accuse me of something, do it Seth!" Roman demanded angrily.

"I'm not Ro, I promise." Seth answered quietly.

"Then what the hell is going on?"

"It's just the case is messing with me more than I figured it would!" Seth said, only telling half the truth. "I'm sorry Rome."

"It's alright." Roman said sighing. "Just talk to me, okay? Don't shut me out!"

"I promise!" Seth agreed, before they hugged. "Come on, let's go for a late dinner?"

"Sounds good, I'm starving! You pay and we're even!" Roman said smiling, as he patted Seth on the back, both laughing.

"You got it big guy!" Seth agreed, as they left the room smiling.


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