Having Some Fun

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Meanwhile, after booking Ambrose in Roman went to find Seth, who had disappeared after they arrived at the station. He found him coming out of the Captain's office, seeing Roman, Seth stopped and spoke.

"I told the Captain what happened, he's very pleased we caught Ambrose!"

"Why didn't you wait for me? We normally do the briefings together!" Roman asked confused.

"Since you were busy with Ambrose, I figured I'd do it this time!" Seth answered, Roman caught the subtle bitterness in Seth's voice, but said nothing.

"He's booked and waiting for us." Roman said.

"Let's go then, the sooner we talk to him, the sooner he can rot in his cell!"

"Okay." Roman said confused by Seth's sudden attitude change.

"He lawyer up?" Seth asked, as they walked to the room.

"Not yet, I don't think he's going to either. He seems smug, thinks he's untouchable!" Roman answered.

They returned to the room, and stood watching Dean through the window, he seemed too relaxed for a man charged with multiple crimes! Roman couldn't take his eyes off Dean, there was something about Dean that Roman was so attracted to. Ambrose wasn't the type of guy Roman usually went for; his usual type the complete opposite of Dean. No one, but Ambrose ever made the Samoan feel weak in the knees before! Every time he looked at Ambrose, Roman's thoughts automatically turned dirty, and Dean and himself became stars of their own porno! He was shocked with himself, he wasn't normally like this, but Ambrose without doing anything turned Roman into a hormonal teenager! He had to figure out a way to get these feelings under control, he had a job to do and he couldn't do it if he thought about making out with their suspect every time he was around them! He hoped Seth wouldn't catch on, how would he explain his lust for a criminal to his partner? Seth already knew though, he could tell by the way Roman looked at Ambrose; Ambrose was a good-looking guy, Seth would have to be blind not to see that, but he was still a criminal! Seth wasn't jealous of Roman's attraction to Ambrose; in fact if this was an entirely different situation, he'd help Roman get Dean! It wasn't though, and Seth decided to keep quiet about knowing for now, but the second Roman's feelings for Dean interfered with their job, he'd confront Roman; not as his partner, but as his brother!

"You ready partner?" Roman asked.

"After you!" Seth answered smiling.

The door opened, Dean turned and saw both Agents come in, he smiled smugly at them. Agent Gorgeous (Reigns) sat down at the table in front of him, while Agent Two-Tones (Rollins) stood off to the side against the wall. Dean could feel Rollins' eyes on him, he turned to the Agent and smiled, as he looked him up and down. Dean had to admit Rollins was good-looking, but he was so attracted to Reigns; there was something about him that made Dean's knees weak! Being this close to Reigns, breathing him in made it hard for Dean to concentrate, he had to block everything out and focus on getting out of there!

"I'm guessing I'm not here for a tea-party with you two Princesses? So, why don't you tell me why I'm here?" Dean asked smiling, his feet still up on the table.

"None of us here are stupid, so let's cut the crap Ambrose and talk about your little family?" Rollins said smiling, from his spot on the wall.

"Okay, let's talk about my family! You want to talk about my alcoholic, druggie, slut of a mother? Or how about my dead beat, druggie, alcoholic father, who's been in jail since I was a kid?" Dean asked smiling.

"You're a pretty funny guy, Ambrose!" Seth said smiling.

"You know I get that alot!" Dean replied. "How come Agent Turd is doing all the talking?" Dean asked Roman, trying not to get lost in Roman's grey eyes. "Is this one of those good cop, bad cop things?"

"I gotta say Ambrose, you're pretty relaxed for a guy charged with many crimes!" Seth stated coming closer.

"Agent Pretty Boy, you got me confused with someone else! I'm an innocent man!" Dean said smirking.

"Innocent? Quit playing games Ambrose! We know all about you and your little family! And just like you, we're going to bring them down, one by one!" Seth said angrily, as he knocked Dean's feet off the table.

"You got nothing, and if you touch me again I'll break your damn hands, one by one!" Dean said angrily, as he pulled on the cuffs.

"You don't scare me Ambrose!" Seth said smiling.

"Tough words from a guy who hides behind his badge!" Dean said smirking.

"I don't hide from..."

"Seth, outside now!" Roman finally spoke, as he stood.

"What?" Seth asked shocked, looking at Roman.

"Now!" Roman repeated, as Dean sat watching a smile on his face.

"Fine! This isn't over Ambrose!" Seth said angrily.

"I'll be waiting Princess!" Dean answered still smiling.

As he watched the two Agents leave, Dean put his feet back up on the table still smiling. He knew this would be fun, but he had no idea how much!


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