Stevie moved to hug him. "Thank you, Duck, thanks for looking out for me. It meant a lot growing up, kept me out of trouble," She whispered in his ear. "And it gave me a safe space away from home to think for awhile, you don't know how much those two, three hours you let me spend here meant to me. I'm forever grateful for you," She kissed his cheek.

"Hey, Cass wouldn't have wanted it any other way, mademoiselle, we're family and I love you just like it understand?" he squeezed her tighter.

"I love you," She smiled.

The two separated. "But look I got get back to running this joint, Maine? congratulations again on winning, I'll put your picture up tomorrow. But come see me after the bar closes? I'll get your prize money to you, you enjoy your evening you two,"

"Thanks, Duck," They both replied.

Winking at Stevie he patted her arm, before he walked away from the couple. "So you used to sneak in here?" Tremaine teased as he wrapped his arms around her hips, pulling her over closer to him.

"Yeah, I followed my dad over here once or twice just being mischievous, and me being a teenager? This was some mature, adult type shit to me, well of course it was," She shrugged laughing. "-- And me being curious, I snuck in one day. And from there, Duckies has had my heart," She gave an honest smile.

"I even met my first love in here. I Wish I didn't, he was a total dud. I used to pay for his haircuts, and pay for both of our foods, ugh," She gagged.

"Fuck him, Stev, he's old news. So you used to be back there shooting dice with the hood boogers, as you call them in the back?" He asked smiling.

Stevie rested her arms on Tremaine's shoulders. "Yeah, I did, it was fun too,"

Tremaine started to laugh. "Yo, so your pops was the one who broke up that dice game one time years back, he came through wrecking shit lookin' for you, he even decked that dude Mario for calling you outta ya' name, yo' there's no way,"

"Wait... How you know that? Unless you were there, where you there?" She asked laughing addled, as she tried reminiscing on the past event.

Tremaine gradually nodded his head. "Yes ma'am, I made almost two hundred dollars off that game til' your pops showed up,"

"There's no way... You couldn't have been there, Tremaine, I don't forget a face, no, no, no way," She shook her head laughing, puzzled.

"I was there because I remember that dice game. It was the only one that was ever broken up, and, we never shot dice with women, there was only one girl, we shot dice with from time to time..." Realization slowly set in. His eyes widened as he studied Stevie's face. "-- And it was you, you were the one with the smart ass mouth and all that as.. Amazing skill to roll dice,"

"Ah...Ah, what, "amazing skill" huh. This is crazy because your stating facts, my pops did break up that dice game one time, and he did punch the guy for disrespecting me, but, Tremaine, I don't remember you...."

He smiled. "But I remember yo' lil' young ass now that I think back, used to wear those huge hoop earrings? Always smelled like vanilla or strawberry or some shit. And half the guys used to like you and wanted to flirt, I could tell from your face you wasn't shit but a kid, I had to let them know, you was a baby, anybody could tell,"

 And half the guys used to like you and wanted to flirt, I could tell from your face you wasn't shit but a kid, I had to let them know, you was a baby, anybody could tell,"

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।
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