- Your first steps -

211 5 2

Age 1-2


There isn't much you can do when you're alone and all of your family members are busy doing something. 

You've been sitting and playing with your toys for a while but you were getting bored, you wanted someone to play with.

So you tried doing something you've never tried before; walking. You got up, or at the very least tried to and you soon started walking even though a bit unsteadily. 

You went all the way to Abigail's room who was surprised to see you walking for the first time "Hey (Y/n), who thought you how to walk?" she asks as she picks you up to hug you "You're so full of surprises".


You were at your great-grandparents' house and George was watching you. You two were watching a TV drama which you didn't fully understand but seemed to enjoy. 

At one point you get thirsty, you try calling for George but it looks like the TV is more important to him right now. You get off the pillow you were standing on just a moment ago and start crawling.

"Where are you going (Y/n)?" He asks, you simply decide to stand up and walk "Evelyn, come here!" "What is it?" your great-grandmother arrives to the room you were about to walk out of, "My my, (Y/n) is walking!" "That's what I wanted to say". 

You finally arrive to the kitchen and try to search for milk "Oh you want some milk dear?" Evelyn asks, you nod.

She gets you a small fresh bottle from the fridge and hands it to you "I can't wait for Alex to see this, you're growing so fast my dear!".


Your dad was watching you as he was working on his book as usual, but this time something new happened. 

You really wanted your father to play with you so you did one of the few things babies do to get attention.

Next thing Elliot knew was you calling him and the most surprising thing was that you were standing. "Whoa (Y/n), you've learned how to stand up?" he says with shock, you giggle and gesture him to get up his chair and follow you.

You then start to walk which surprises your dad even more "Hold on" he says as he grabs one of your hands "If you want to start walking then let me guide you".


You were with Clint today because Emily had important things to do, it was sad when your mother was away but you liked Clint so you didn't mind. 

You're in his room with him and you two are playing when he hears someone at the door.

"Must be a customer, hold on (Y/n)" Clint says to you as he rushes by the counter. You just wait at first but then it seems like he's taking hours, you were growing bored so you decided you would go up to him and tell him (in baby language) that he should come back to play with you. 

You started crawling but slowly started standing up as you thought walking would be faster but you fall after a few steps.

You started crying which attracted Clint, "Oh my! Are you okay kid?" he asks you, the costumer also came but they look more confused than anything. Later you try and explain him you were trying to get his attention and he thought you how to walk. 

Your mother was very proud when she saw you walking for the first time.


Actually Emily thought you how walk, your mom was out and while you were playing with your dolls she told you "Hey (Y/n), did Haley taught you how to walk yet?" you felt very confused "Uhm...I imagined that".

♡ Stardew Valley parent scenarios/preferences ♡Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang