- Meeting their family -

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(I will refer to (Y/n) as he or she in the baby and child stage because I find it more realistic but I will use they for (Y/n) in the teen stage. Of course you can change it to your preferred pronouns, I just wanted to make it clear)

Age 0-1


When you first saw the shop, you never would have imagined it was your grandfather's.

"I'm back!" Abigail shouts as she opens the door with one of her hands, holding you close with the other. A man rushes at the entrance followed by a green haired lady.

"Mom, dad, this is (Y/n)" your mother says while showing you off to them, you wave your baby hand. The man takes you and the two of them take a closer look at you.

"Welcome to the family (Y/n). We are your new grandparents, Pierre and Caroline" he says "I can't believe I became a grandmother so soon" Caroline coos, seemingly wiping a tear "I don't even know how I found this orphanage, but I'm so happy I found him/her" Abigail says with the warmest smile on her face, you smile back.


You were fast asleep, the orphanage was far from Pelican Town and it took about two or three hours to get here. You were tugging on you father's green jacket with your hands as he was holding you.

"What a cute little baby!" you hear someone say, you slowly open your (E/c) eyes "Is this...your child?" another person says. 

You turn your head to see and old man and woman, "This is my little boy/girl!" Alex replies "And who is the mother?" the elderly man asks "I...don't know, I adopted him/her" he says while looking down at you.

You point your tiny finger to the strangers in an attempt to ask him who they are "They're my grandparents, George and Evelyn" he tells you, you turn over to them and giggle. 

Evelyn comes closer to you and pinches one of your cheeks kindly "He/She is so adorable! What's the name?" she asks, your father then replies "It's (Y/n)" "(Y/n)? That's a wonderful name, so fitting for a child like you" she says with excitement.

Later, they show you around Pelican Town and you get to see your new home.


He just shows you around Pelican Town, telling you something about each one of the villagers and takes you home. 

He has no parents living in the town but he'll be sure to write a letter to his friend Leah announcing the big news.


As soon as Emily took you, she wanted her sister to know.

She walks to her house while holding you and rings the doorbell. 

You then see a blonde woman standing before you "Hey sis...uhm, why are you holding a baby?" she says in confusion "This baby is my child, meet (Y/n)!" your mother tells her. 

You weren't aware that girl was your aunt until Emily told you "Where is he/she gonna sleep though?" asks Haley again, Emily reassures her she's going to buy a crib for you and you two hurry to Robin's store.


Haley was going down the road and to her house with you in her hands. 

She enters to show you around but Emily, who was doing chores as usual, had noticed her and you. 

"Haley are you a mom now?!" she suddenly asks "What? Well yes, this is (Y/n). I adopted him/her at an orphanage" your mother replies, you look over to you new aunt "Can I hold him/her?" "Uh, ok I guess". 

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