Chapter 17: A surfacing threat (I)

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"Feldway-sama! Feldway-sama!"

In the halls of a white temple,an angel was spotted running in desperation while calling out the name of his administrator in charge of the temple.

Angels stationed here are old veterans. Being born at least thousands of years old,and having been through countless battlefields to ensure the world's stability. This entire base is literally,floating at mid air in a relatively peaceful place that does not have any life,but no chaos. As created by Veldanava himself to serve as the headquarters of an angel general.

And yet,the relative peace in the base that was kept for quite some time,will be broken at last.

The angel finally reached his destination. The office of one of the generals,Feldway.

"Feldway-sama! Forgive my intrusion." He said,while pushing open the heavy wooden doors that led him into the office,there,he saw a working Feldway sitting on a wooden chair while signing reports and documents. Occupied.

"What is it,soldier?" He calmly asked,seemingly completely used to the constant reports his underlings gave him time over time. Yet he still gave attention to each of them.

"This is an urgent report from one of our scouts stationed near the Chaos realm! The message was relayed one hour late,as the scout claimed that a sudden surging magicules storm interrupted the report being sent from his location-"

"If it's just another storm,there is no need for further reports because of how constant it is. Is there more,soldier?"

"Yes! Scouts had reported that space near the Chaos realm was observed to be increasing its occurrence of space anomalies,including distortions and sometimes even cracks in the sky-" Before the soldier could continue,Feldway suddenly stood up and interrupted.

"What did you just say,soldier?"

"There are increasing space anomalies including distortions-"

"The last part,repeat it."

"Also including cracks in the sky." The soldier repeated and watched Feldway,only to find him walking in circles out of anxiety.

"Sir..? Is there a problem?" The curious soldier asked.

"Contact Veldanava-sama immediately. And notify all scouts to pay EXTRA attention to further activities,especially near the Chaos realm! Fast! We have no time to be wasted on."

"Sir,with all due respect,may I ask how truly urgent it is? The report said it is urgent,but till now,I don't understand its significance. Are those activities that dangerous?" The soldier asked his general,to which he just let out a tired breath..

"Soldier,assuming that you haven't been in action during the relative age of peace,do you know how dangerous the Chaos realm is? The reason I specifically assigned more attention to it,more than others?"

"No sir,what is it?"

"The dangerous Chaos dragon,Ivarage resides within. The distortions of space's increasing occurrence,and even the dangerous anomaly of a crack in the sky,means that the flow of the magicules inside are being stirred due to inside activities. This means that either Ivarage,or the chaotic flow of the energy and the mindless beasts within of his spawn,are actively trying to BREACH the barrier that Rimuru had made before his death. Ivaraje already had a prior escape a few hundred years ago before presumably returning to slumber after its withdrawal."

"Which means..?" The soldier asked.

"Last time, according to reports,Ivaraje,a few hundred years ago when he escaped,was not in his prime state. If he successfully breaches again this time,he should be in his prime,his most powerful state like his primal. And the only beings in the world that could give it a fair fight,are only Veldanava-sama and Rimuru himself. No one else,not even me could stop him."

"But sir,we have Veldanava-sama! The god himself could not lose,right?"

"Fool. Veldanava-sama unleashing his power in the human realm would cause significant damage. And he always refused to actively enter the Chaos realm. Plus,he had stated that Ivaraje's rival,Rimuru,should be the one to fight him if possible in all circumstances."

"Rimuru. The one regarded as his old right-hand man,and a warrior that had earned his respects? Wasn't he dead?"

"Veldanava-sama had notified me and other generals that knew him before of his current revival. I am actually planning to pay them a visit anyway,as a friend. However,he is not in his own prime as well,and he wouldn't even be able to fight him currently. That is why we must prevent its breach as long as possible. Now contact them,now!"

"Yes sir,right away!" The soldier finally complied ,before rushing out of the office to the communication center,leaving an anxious and worried Feldway alone.

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