Chapter 1: Adding Primordials

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Rimuru's POV:

'If demon lord Clayman is pulling the strings behind the scenes. We could be facing Frey, Milim, and Clayman in the worst scenario...What should we do next?'

Just when I'm in my slime form and sitting on Ranga's back thinking of the recent events, especially the one-sided battle I had against those Farmuth soldiers. Something interesting caught my attention.

"Master, look." 

"I know Ranga, I see it."

Just as we were talking,in front of us 2 shadowy figures started to manifest in shape, and it turned out that they were 2 humanoid figures, one of them had Black hair with a black butler outfit,another one was a female with a short blue hair,blue eyes and wearing a dark red coloured maid outfit.

I call them humanoid since they look exactly like normal humans,but I could tell that their aura doesn't feel like humans at all.

But the thing that caught my eye the most is that both of them look so handsome and beautiful! I wish back in Japan my colleagues at work looked like that too..

"It's great to see you awake again my lord,allow us to express our joy at seeing you becoming a full fledged demon lord." The 'butler' spoke calmly,bowing to me in the process.

'The handsome guy spoke first eh? But one thing before everything..'

"Uhmm,who are you guys actually..?" I asked in sincere confusion,as I doesn't remember seeing them at all before.

After that,I could clearly see that the black demon was very shocked and almost losing his balance over that.


And did I hear the blue haired lady let out a little laugh while trying to cover her mouth? 

"Master,they are the 2 demons you summoned while sacrificing the dead Farmuth soldier bodies all over the battlefield back then.." Ranga reminded me,as I tried to trace back my memories earlier.

'Oh I remember! I remember using all those bodies to summon both of them to do the clean ups of the battle right? But how did all those bodies only get me 2 demons?' I thought,as I finally realized what happened clearly.

<It is because these 2 demons are high ranking,ancient demons compared to the other common demons. It is estimated that their age is at least above 3000 years old. That is why master spending so many bodies to be sacrificed had only bought 2. But they are already powerful enough to accomplish the task you've given them.>  My new skill,Raphael-sensei said.

'They are that old already? Then they must be very powerful..Even my instincts told me that they are not to be underestimated,so as for their aura...I already thought that they might be old but 3000 years is certainly something else.'

"Sorry for making both of you stay so long! Since everything is done,you can go now!" I said while waving my hands and hope that I didn't waste their precious time more than already.

'They are strong and old demons so they probably got a lot of stuff to do right? I hope I am not keeping them too long around here.' I thought,and I thought I was correct.

But after that both of them are still here.


"Yes Ranga?"

"Both of them seem like they're going to cry already.."

'E-eh? Is it that my reward is not enough? Or do they have something else in their mind?'

"Eh,is the reward not enough..?" I asked nervously while hoping nothing bad goes on.

This time,it's the lady that answered me.

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