Interlude 4: Morgan Le Fay (Fate)

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Britain,3rd POV:

On the wide plains,there was a group of knights traveling,on their route back to Camelot after being sent on a mission by none other than King Arthur.

The mood of the group is quite joyful,as not only have they had one of their simplest tasks given around for a long while but it only asked them to clean some bandits around a forest and to especially patrol around a house that is near the entrance of the forest.

They are knights after all,so it's just a piece of cake to them.

"Man,it's good that we get to take some easy missions after the previous few ones." A knight with blonde hair said as he sat on his horse.

"Indeed,the ones before are all pain in the asses,I'm glad that we get to have a little break from them." Another knight answered as he took off his helmet to drink some water,being quite thirsty.

"But I wonder why the King personally sent us to do such a thing? The King giving knights like us other than the Round Table missions is already a rare,fact that he reminded us not to attack a woman with long,white hair that has a similar look to her carrying a black spear if we see her around the house during the 5 days is wild!"

"Plus,why a house? I don't see anything special about it,it's long abandoned and it's just your everyday house. Noting worth note of."

As the group of knights discussed,the captain of the group had enough and stopped them from continuing.

"Stop being so noisy about pointless things! I'm trying to take some rest here." The man shouted in irritation,awoken from his nap by his underlings.

"But Cap,have you not pondered about it?" One of the younger knights asked the man as he rubbed his chin.

"Well,I did too. But I decided that it doesn't benefit us even if we know the reason,why don't you just go and ask the King with some guts?"

This earned the laugh of other knights,which the young one protested in embarrassment.

"No way!"

"Yeah,see that rookie? Then get moving! We still got some distance till back home."

Just as the group was about to pack their belongings in the little camp,one of them caught something in his eye and pointed at it astonished.

"What the hell is that?!"

This attracted the attention of his comrades as they all looked in the direction, in which they saw a pale white horse running like a gust of wind on the plains,with someone on his back as they disappeared from the group's sights in seconds.

"That speed is crazy for a horse!"

"Who is that on it,a woman?"

As they were flabbergasted,the horse on the other hand with its fearsome speed,soon arrived at a nearby small town as the woman riding it checked a map before putting it back into a bag mounted on her horse.

Whenever she passed someone,they looked at her with mostly surprise or admiration of her beauty,especially the men.

Surprised of a beautiful woman traveling on her own without any company,admiration of how stunning she looked despite dressing quite plain on the outside while wearing a black dress and heels on the inside.

Surprised of a beautiful woman traveling on her own without any company,admiration of how stunning she looked despite dressing quite plain on the outside while wearing a black dress and heels on the inside

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Finding a nearby stable,she hopped down from her mount,petting it gently before entering the store to rent a place to stay for the night,both she and her horse.

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