Chapter 8: A ghostly return

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Rimuru's POV:

I'm sitting on my chair while facing all the documents in front of me on my table. Signing them up every day makes me so bored already! Not to mention how much more it will grow the longer Tempest is established...

I met Velzard and Veldanava again,my best friends. However it doesn't change that I'm a busy guy,now that I have a nation to manage contribute more into that certain matter.

*Knock Knock*

"Come in here!" I said,after returning to reality upon hearing that clean knock on the door a few seconds ago.

The door opened,and coming there was Velzard and Veldanava,probably just finishing their breakfast somewhere in Tempest,though it makes me wonder why they didn't say a word upon entering,only wearing their unusual smiles that indicate something happened.

"What are you guys up to? Every time these faces pop up,nothing great goes on." I asked,giving them a frown.

"You know Rimuru,me and Velzard just went back to the Ice palace to check up on things,but then we remembered and found something that belonged to you back then. Something that you saw as one of our treasures." Velda said while crossing his arms,grinning.

"Fufu,and we decided that you should check it with your own eyes,call that a little surprise from us!" She laughs as she puts her hands on my shoulders,waiting for my response,a bit too excited?

'Hm,I hope it's worth my time,not some kind of new prank that wasted the time for me to finish these papers and be free today.' I thought silently.

<The probability of such outcome happening is around 47%.>

'Jeez Ciel,don't give me an analysis now would ya?'


'Come on, give me a break already...'

"Hey dude,wake up! You coming?" Seeing me remaining still as if my soul was in another place,Veldanava waved his hands in front of me.

"Of course,I don't see a valid reason not to." I replied to Velda,which satisfied both of them enough.

"Knew that your response would be a yes. Come on,let's take our time by flying!" He suggested.

"Velda,you need to know that I am not a dragon,I do NOT have a dragon form,and my wings DON'T support such a long-range flight without any tiredness. I can't just fly from here to the damn frozen continent can I?!"

"Hah,simplistic!" He snickered,while turning into his dragon form,extending his wings and letting out a medium roar to the skies. I almost forgot how large his dragon form was since he seldom uses it normally.

"Hop on! I will give you a free ride there,no fees,no taxes." He pointed at his back,and I climbed up using his scales as holdpoints. They were harsh for most,but,on the back,it was smooth compared to the other parts of the scales.

"Velzard,what about you?"

"Yeah little sis,you can join us if you want to!" He gave Velzard a wink,which she just smirked and rubbed the idea off.

"I would love to,but this time I will try something different. Brother,race me there in a race if you have enough guts of a dragon,and a god!"

What?! This is the Jura forest region,and it's almost in the middle of this continent! To reach the continent,she has a long way to go,I mean,super long! She is powerful but is there even any chance for her to win in a race without flying?

"Hahaha! Challenge accepted! Don't complain if you are over a minute late!" Her brother only laughed in amuatment of the challenge of his little sister.

I swear,this family bloodline is filled with the most insane and unreasonable beings in the multiverse!

"Wait wait wait WAIT FOR A MOMENT! Velzard,can you do that so fast? Like running over mountains and mountains AND across the sea?!" I couldn't help but speak out the question that had been lurking in my mind ever since hearing their conversation.

"Don't worry about that Rimuru,it might be a chance for you to see the capabilities of my powers now,I will make you change your mind enough." She replied while giving me a heartwarming smile while stretching her arms and legs.

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