Chapter 152: Showing Off Wealth

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After the ordeal passed, the pill-making building of Daybreak Cloud Peak was flattened. Qing Yuan held his precious pill cauldron and rejoiced he had had the foresight to put his pill cauldrons and precious herbs into his storage bag.

The place struck by lightning was completely black. As the wind blew and clouds moved, sweet rain came down from the sky.

Kong Hou picked up her skirt and ran towards where Huan Zhong was. She found he was completely black and even his coronet had disappeared. She had never seen him in such a sorry state and laughed as she covered her mouth.

Huan Zhong put away Dragon Roar sword and slowly walked in front of Kong Hou. “You laugh at me, hmm?”

“No.” Kong Hou shook her head, her eyes as bright as stars. “I will not laugh at my man.”



Huan Zhong spread his arms and pulled Kong Hou into his embrace. He would not tell Kong Hou that many things and people had appeared in his consciousness. In the end, it was her face that helped him overcome his mental demon.
He feared separation. He wanted to always keep her company. All the terror and anticipation could not withstand her smile and her soft “Huan Zhong.”

Why did sword cultivators carry their swords?

To protect the world, the sect, themselves and… the people they loved.

When they had someone they wanted to protect, they would become stronger. In the past, he didn’t understand but he did now. Having terror, worry, happiness and sadness was not wrong. People were gifted with these emotions when born. Why did one have to forcibly abandon these emotions?

In the past, he thought being emotionless was being invincible. Now he finally knew that understanding emotions was true strength.

“Ah, ah, ah, this is my favourite dress!”

Kong Hou leaned on Huan Zhong’s chest and pinched his waist. After brushing against Huan Zhong, her clothes were completely unfit to be seen.

“Am I more important or your clothes?” Huan Zhong’s tone was full of hurt.

Kong Hou’s heart trembled. She patted Huan Zhong’s back. “Of course you are more important, you are.”

Huan Zhong smiled in satisfaction. “I just know I am most important in Kong Hou’s heart.”

The elders, with their good hearing, could no longer bear to listen and perceptively walked away. Spirit Master Nameless caressed his snowy white beard and said emotionally, “I had not expected Spirit Master Zhong Xi to be like this in front of his partner…”

“It is good for young people to have such feelings.” Qing Yuan coughed. “Good.”

Spirit Master Nameless smiled and stopped laughing about the feelings of young people.


In a small town neighbouring Harmonious City, Jiu Su sat on a wooden carved chair and looked lazily at his subordinate who was kneeling on the ground. “You say the person we sent was discovered by the common people of Harmonious City when he just entered the city?”

The subordinate’s teeth rattled as he carefully nodded. “Yes, Lord.”

“Ha.” Jiu Su sneered. “Unable to fool even ordinary people. What is the use in you people?”

The entire room was silent. No one dared to make a sound.

One of the sages closest to Jiu Su inhaled deeply. He gathered his courage and said, “Lord, Harmonious City is a very odd place.”

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